Chapter 1

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Natasha's POV

As I lay down on my bed I hear people talking, I get out my Little Mix headphones and my sparkly orange phone from on top of my desk. I plug my headphones in to my phone and put them into my ears. When I turn the volume up I listened for a while then I figured out what the song was.

It's was One direction 'More Than This', I do have to admit it's a lovely song. I do love it, its my second favourite song, but I didn't feel like a sad, teary song so I skipped to the next one.

Once I heard the sentence "Are you joking Asami, are you actually joking" I knew that it was my favourite song 'Trouble' by Neon jungle.

I used to love this song when I was a little kid, I remember how I would turn up my phone as loud as I could and jump around on my bed and scream the lyrics as loud as I could. Until Paige would come in and yell at me for having it too loud and let me know that she was studying or something, "Oh how I miss her " I whispered to myself.


My father was out with some friends and got drunk, but for some reason he had a gun. I heard the door close so I knew it would be my father but I also heard a BAM so I got up from my bed and slowly walked down stairs and saw blood but then I saw someone I recognised, my older brother lying lifeless on the floor I saw my mother run down and try and grab the gun from my father but his finger slipped and another shot was fired. My sister fell on to the floor with a thud followed by more blood then  another gun shot to the roof and another. But the last gun shot was my father. My mother had got the gun and shot him right in the head. She dropped the gun just before I heard the siren of a police car stop in front of our house. I ran up stairs, jumped on my bed and closed my tearing blood shot eyes. I heard my door open and I was pulled out of bed and down the stairs where I saw my mother crying but not from an injury, it confused me. The police grabbed my mother and took her to the car, but just before she was put in the car I saw her lips move and said "I'll be back" and with that they drove away while I stare at the lifeless bodies lying on the kitchen floor. That is when I was taken out of my house to this orphanage.

(Flashback ends)

I sit up in my bed and take my headphones out and turn off my phone, as I lie them on the bed where I lay, Lucy comes through the door. Lucy knows about my past, she's been helping me out with the flashbacks and nightmares I've had since I came to this orphanage. Rebecca knows as well but I feel better when I talk to Lucy about it.

Lucy walked over to me and sat on my bed, she looked at me but as soon as her diamond blue eyes connected with my dark brown ones, I let a tear drop out from the corner of my eye and another and another. She moved her head to the left and we both stood up from my bed and went towards the door, you could tell I had been crying from my red eyes and blotchy cheeks.

As we walk down stairs Rebecca walked past us, she looked at me and then to Lucy. "Again?" Rebecca asked Lucy and she nodded and say back in response " I was taking her to get a drink and wash her face, "That's fine, just try not to think about it honey" she said and I nodded. Once we reached the end of the stairs I walked over to the tap in the bathroom and turned the tap on, I splashed water on my face and went over to get a towel to wipe my face with.

I heard the chime of the front door being opened, " Lucy!" Rebecca called from upstairs.

"I'll be back in a sec Hun" she said to me as she walked up stairs "Would you be a darling and see who that is at the door? Thanks" I heard Rebecca say, and then foot steps back down the stairs.

"Hello, umm can I help you boys?" I heard Lucy say. " Yes we were looking for the owner?" I heard a deep croaky voice, "Umm could you just wait one sec while I go get her?" "No problem love" said another voice but this time it was soft and smooth like he didn't talk much or well maybe yell.

"I'll be one sec, please take a seat" Lucy said as she jogged upstairs, I finished wiping my face and hands with the towel and slowly walked beside the wall and peered around the door to find five amazing lads sitting on the couch where people would talk about adopting children, as I was looking at them a curly haired brunette turned his head, he was so fast that he saw me as I turned back into the bathroom and hid behind one of the walls.

Harry's POV

Once we all got in to the car we drove off, it wasn't a long car trip but it seemed long when you have five lads in one car and are all joking and mucking around. When we approached the orphanage there was a big wooden sign that said 'Welcome to Nail Bird Orphanage' with two blue birds in the right bottom hand corner, Louis parked the car and we all jumped out and started to walk to the front glass door.

We walked up the brick pavement to the front door, as Niall opened the door a little chime was heard when the door opened and closed. We all stood there at the office waiting for someone to come, when a teenaged girl walked through the door of what looked to be the bathroom. "Hello, umm can I help you boys?" Her voice so soft and caring, I spoke back "Yes we were looking for the owner?".

She looked at us and smiled, then asked if we could wait a second while she went to go get the Owner. She started to walk away but turned back and said "I'll be one sec, please take a seat ", then she jogged up the stairs. I was looking around the room, looking at the amazing drawings and paintings. They are amazing I will never understand how people can draw like this, as I turn my head toward the voice I saw a painting that really captured my eye.

It was a beautiful girl with hair so brunette and eyes dark brown almost black, she was sitting on the third bottom step of a stair case with a flower crown made with gorgeous blue roses. As I was looking at the painting, I saw a girl who looked exactly like the little girl in the painting but older, she was looking at me and the lads. I caught her eye and she quickly went back into the room where the older girl that was helping us to adopt came out of.

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