Chapter 3

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Natasha's POV

When I heard that thump, I jumped and looked around the corner to see all the boys and Rebecca focused on a book of some type, so this was the time to run to my room, when no-one was looking I bolted up the stairs trying not to make a lot of noise.

Once I reached the top I walked quickly into my room and shut the door with a thud, I slid down the door and hit the ground. I turn to look up at two empty beds, so Lucy wasn't here, good.

I stood up and started to walk over to my bed to sit down, I looked and the magazine on Lucy's bed the one she was reading earlier. I took a look at the front cover to find the one and only One Direction, I started to slide down the bed when I heard a knock. So I got up and walked over to the door.

I opened the door to find five grinning faces and one glad smile, I smiled back at them, I wasn't just happy I was shocked and to be honest a bit scared.

I mean who wouldn't be, I mean it's not like its everyday you get a knock at your door you get up and walk to it and find the most famous boy band in the world smiling at you!

Rebecca smiled again then spoke " Natasha, this is One Direction. One Direction this is Natasha" she smiled I walked towards the five boys and put my hand out for them to shake but all I got were smiles, I put my hand down and they all got me in one of their bone crunching hugs.

"Sweetheart, these lovely young boys want to adopt you" Rebecca told me, I was shocked. I mean I'm just a ordinary girl why would they want me?

"Well, I'll let you guys get to know one another" she said closing the door, I walk down and sit on my bed. I look down and back up and they are all over the place! Louis is lying upside down on Lucy's bed, Harry and Liam are walking around looking at all of Lucy and my stuff sitting on the shelves, Zayn is sitting on my bed looking around and Niall is standing awkwardly in front of the door.

"Has anyone told you that you guys make you selves at home?" I asked them, "Yeah a few" Louis replied. I smiled at his answer, "So umm what do you like to do?" Zayn asked me. "Well I like to draw, and dance" I said back, "I like to draw as well" Zayn said. "Do you mind if I take a look?" he asked me, I walked over to my desk and grabbed the key that hangs on my necklace to unlock the draw.

I grabbed my book and went to sit where Zayn was sitting, and all the boys gathered around. I gave Zayn the book and all the boys crowded around the book that sat on Zayn's lap. "Wow this is really good!" Louis shouts, " Thanks, I've been work on it for some time" I tell the boys.

They turned to the next page and there was a drawing that I did of myself when I was younger, sitting on the stairs in this orphanage with a flower crown made with Air Force blue Daisy's. " Is this you?" Harry asked obviously curious, " Yeah that's me when I was younger" I tell him. "Why do you ask Harry?" Niall asks, " Because there is a painting down stairs, hanging on the wall that is the same" he replied.

After the boys finished looking in the book I took the book from Zayn's hands and put it back in the draw. I turned around to find the boys looking a me, I stood there awkwardly for a minute or two then Harry spoke " So Natasha, do you play any sports?".

"No I don't, I like to swim but I don't swim for a sport", I told them. "Can I,well we,  ask you a question Natasha?" Harry asked again, "yes of course" I smiled. "Do you want to come with us?" He asked, I was a bit nervous cause well I just met them, I know their on television, in books and magazines but this is the real thing right here in front of me.

"To be honest, I do wanna get out and live in a house and make a new family, and living with you lads would be an adventure, but I don't really know you boys I mean like duh your on television and in magazines but, I'm talking about the real you not stuff in books" I say looking down at my feet. "well you will, we'll go down stairs and talk to Rebecca while you get ready if you want?" Zayn said, "umm yeah I'll come down when I'm ready" I say and with a smile from Louis and a wave from Harry they turned around and walked out.

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