Chapter 17

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Photo^ The Chapters^

I open the shed door and grab two shovels, "lets start" I say taking one of the shovel from Harry's hands followed by driving it into the ground beneath. "What are we looked for exactly?" Harry asks still digging, I continue digging till the blade of Harry's shovel hits something hard. "That" I speak, it seemed to be a old medal box. It was navy blue with and few rusty patches over it, it had a handle with four symbols on the bottom. 3691.

Harry and I looked at one e other, I drop my shovel and Harry runs to back to the shed to grab a torch. I reach down and try to lift, what seems to be a door up. The door seemed like it was bolted shut like no one wanted anyone in there, or anyone out. That's why this must be the spot, it has to be. Harry jogs back and sees me struggling, he places the torch at his feet and comes to help me. Putting two of his hands beside two of my small ones, we both try opening the door. I raise my leg putting my foot on the edge of the door, Harry does the same as me but with his opposite leg.

We both pull at the same time, our faces red, hands sweaty, body stentched. Hearing a loud rusty squeak signalises us that it's opening, so we pull harder, all our might, going into saying our friends. Our family. Another Clunk but then nothing no matter how hard, "ready" a voice says followed by a laugh. Harry and I look at each other, "three, six, nine the goose drank wine, it's somewhere on a street at the end of 1 bine" what the actual F does that mean. I know the first parts a song but like, what even just happened. "We're going to die. We've all going to freaking die" Harry says dropping the shovel, "don't say that! Don't you dare"

I look at him, "we are going to get through this! All of us" I replay the message in my head. I know it from somewhere, I pace back and forth I stop and close my eyes. Waiting for something, anything.

I cling was heard, I raise an eyebrow. Opening my eyes and staring at it, "of course, why did I not think of it" I say with a smile for how stupid I could be. Harry eyes me carefully watching me, asking me. "The numbers", bending down I rub my hand across the dusty ingrav ment. "The song says three, six, nine. The numbers here say 369 as well" I point out. "But what about the one?" Harry asks, I stand putting my head in my hands. Why can I not think!

"Wait!" Harry pronounced, "at the end of the riddle it says 1 bine right? Isn't that a street". I turn my head so fast I swear I pulled a muscle, jumping and running to the front gate of the house. Harry follows as I run down the street, people from house look as if we are so very very strange. But it doesn't matter because we are, then again so are they. I skid at the pole that stands powering over me, Harry stops with a holt too. "Now what?" Harry asks I look at the pole, eyeing it up and down.

Then I look down again, a pink flower growing. It had obviously been there for awhile, telling by the soil around it. I place my hand over it slowly, carefully nothing to damage the flower in anyway. Then I put both hands on the soil, Harry looks at me strangely then I dig. Not to far but just enough to find what I need, a key? We did all this for a key. I show Harry and we run back even faster then we did before, we stop with a holt again and I put the key into the small lock on the big metal box.

A small click and a big pull and the door was open, it was dark

2 hours

The voice from Harry's shirt spoke again, 2 hours! Wow okay we need to hurry. I remember harry grabbing a torch, but I don't know where it is. "Harry where did you put the torch?" I look around at my feet, "I thought you put it down?!" He panics. "Calm down Harry it's okay, I guess we just have to go down there with out a light" I say, trying to see the floor but fail. It's really dark down there, all I see it the start of the ladder and a bulb. I look at Harry then start to climb down the ladder, I don't bother trying to turn it on. In most horror movies lights and shit like that don't work, so I don't think there'd be a point to trying.

"Natasha, look there's a light bulb" Harry points out, raising his arm to turn in on. "Don't bother" I say watching him, he pulls the chain but nothing happens. I look up at him "told ya", he gives me a sarcastic smile and we walk down the ladder slowly not to fall or trip. We finally reach the floor, it's cold down here and there doesn't seem to be a light or window. I know what your probably thinking a window? Wtf! But you never know its possible. "Where do we go, and what do we do?" Harry asks as we stand at the bottom of the ladder. "Well I guess we look for them, lets go... Down there" I point down a dark black hall.

"Liam? Zayn? Louis? Where are you?" I whisper, "Niall are you there?" Harry whispers as well. A noise from behind snaps our gaze, making us both turn swiftly to look behind us. Nothing. Harry looks at me and we turn back to our original spots, but something wasn't right. Now something's different, I look down the dark empty hallway. Nothing in it other then a table with a frame above it, wait. "Wasn't that table on the other side?" Harry asks, looking at him I slowly nod and panic to myself. I know my mothers totally cray cray, but would she actually kill them?

Who am I kidding if she could find me, then she's knows what to do. If I'm thinking right then I know who she has and where she is.

Hi, I just thought you wanted to know what the characters look like, so I will put them up in the next 2 or so chapters.


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