Chapter 26

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I look at her shocked.

"Okay then why did you kill her, why did you kill Nicky?"

"It was to late to stop it, he pushed the gun towards me so I tried moving it around. Skimming my shoulder it hit her, I didn't want anyone else to get hurt so, when he didn't it the second time. I did the same thing and it worked, but then he didn't it again but to your brother." She looks away then turns, so she is know longer facing us. "I had to do it, I didn't want anyone else getting hurt." She sobs, on the floor.

I'm speechless, I don't know what to do.

Do I walk over to her or do I just stand here?

I turn to see Harry had already untied Niall, but instead of running into Niall's arms like I know I should. Something's telling me that I should go over to her.

Still not knowing what to say I just walk up to her, close enough just a few centimetres away. "Mum I..." Claws puncture the first few layers of my skin, hot blood starts to form and run down my neck. I stand still as I can not wanting to do anything stupid, since she's behind me with a tight grasp on my neck. Niall and Harry jump into midair, also surprised my the shocking turn of events. I was tried to help, just help.

"Stupid girl, I can't believe you fell for that, when I first thought about it I was really doubting myself thinking. 'No, she won't, she's to smart to believe this' but now look at you, your just worthless. Stupid little girl." She mutters into my ear, but also loud enough for the boys to hear. "OI!" Niall shouts, Harry speechless, both of them not knowing what to do about the event that had happened and what is happening.

"She will come with me and you two, will sit" she gets another chair for Harry, by throwing it around the room. A knife is putted from the back of her dark blue jeans, when both boys refuse to do so. My breathing increased by 70, as the knife was placed on my neck. The cold, sharp metal pressed against my neck. It's so sharp just by it touching me, I'm starting to think its cutting. Both boys sit on the chairs, not wanted any harm to come to me.

Harry is handed the knife, when we had finished walking and we reached the chairs. "On her" she says to Harry, Harry shocked and astonished as anyone would be. "No I'm noting going to hurt her!" Harry clearly states. She steps closer to him, "you will put this knife to her neck or she will get hurt" she grits. Harry does as he's told even tho he hates to do so, a guilty and sad look came over his face. Niall is tied with rope around his feet to the chair legs, a rope around his waist to the back of the chair and his hands tied together on his lap.

The knife was moved from Harry's free hands to Niall's tied ones, "same goes for you" she state going to Harry and doing the same. "I will not hold anything to her!" Niall says louder, thinking she didn't be the message. Done with Harry she turns around, "put the knife to her hip" she softly says. "I will do no such thing" he says back to her, "you will do it of i'll slit his throat" she says with a laugh. Harry scared, not wanting me to get hurt, not wanting Niall to go though it, not wanting himself to get hurt.

Niall don't look up at me, he just puts the knife to my right hip. "Oh come on where's a little bit of force" she smiles, Harry's breathing is heavy and loud. "No" he states through his teeth, she presses the knife harder against Harry's neck. He flinches, red blood starting to show. "Cut her hip" she says with the knife still on Harry, "no you said..." He was cut off. "I know what i said, but see I'm losing my patients" she says. "Do it!" She says louder then before. "No!" He shouts.

"Niall do it!" I scream at him, startled by the sound of my own voice. He looks up at me, with big eyes and a shocked expression. "" he stutters a little, "Niall just do it" I say taking in a deep breathe. "You know I'll do it" she presses with a smile, "hurry up!". He looks away while I squeeze my eyes close, holding that deep breathe in. He swings the knife and it hits me, that pain felt like it was never going to stop. I screamed, crying and my knees hit the floor. "Bravo" she claps, the knife now under her arm.

"Natasha!" Niall screams, struggling with his ropes. She grabs the knife Niall once held, and raises to his neck tilting his head up. "Love, such a sickening thing" she laughs, I want to make a run for it, but I can't just leave the boys here. With this woman they know nothing about, it would be selfish of me to do such a thing. Before I could think anymore, the knife was to me once again. "Your insane!" Niall spat, as she told me to arise from the floor. "Nothing I haven't been told before" she grins, a stab to my side let me fall once again to the ground.

The last things I hear;




And hurt.

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