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There was six of them Candice at the front then five girls behind, it didn't seem to faze her that people were looking but I guess if you want that attention you got it. She looks mean not just the way she dresses but her glare it's like everyone was under her control, they all stayed a distance and didn't talk when The Chapters entered a room. Making they way over to the boys No Brightness I think Jordan said, it's a pretty bad name for a guy group. I mean No Brightness it sound like a bunch of school girls trying to be rebel! Well I guess they have an excuse for the name.

"Nobody messes with them, not even teachers" she whispers still, "why? Why can the teacher do something about them" I ask looking at they leader biting the face off a boy. "Candice's mum is Ms. Jonah" she says finely looking at me, I'm shocked! Candice's mother is the principal of Yorks-Burn High School. Wow! "So she gets basically anything she wants, plus can get away with anything too" she said. "So why is she eating that guys face?" I ask curiously, she laughs at my comment "Candice and Leo are going out" oh well that kinda makes sense cause there both in the most popular groups in school.

It looks like most of them have boyfriends that are in that group of boys 'No Brightness', "they need to get a better name" I roll my eyes. We stand to our feet and walk around school for a bit chatting and laughing, "so if her mums the principle,what's her dad?" I question, "her dad is a Detective, her parents have split and she gets what her wants when she wants" she tells me. "Candice's dad use to be a drunk but ever since, her mum kicked him out he broke away from that and because a detective" she said, "but her dad is was really sweet when he wasn't drinking, but now he's so busy and she never see him" she finishes.

Wait so are you guys friends? "So how do you know so much about her?" I asked curiously, "we were friends be leave it or not, in 5 grade I know it may seem along time ago, but we were" she said laughing and the look on my face. I would never of thought that they would be friends there's nothing wrong with them being friends it's just, well Jordan's sweet, kind and happy and well just looking at Candice she seems mean, bossy and rude. That's just from her looks I would be to scary to ever go and talk to her, then her followers and by that I don't mean her group, I have seen girls following them around and looks like trying to join her posse.

The bell rang before I could ask anymore questions and we went to our last class dance, I do like to dance but I won't say I'm any good at it. I remember Kendall and I dancing every Christmas eve, all of the family would come out and we would gather everyone into the lounge room, have a little dance comp.

"Your just on time" a lady with bright red hair says wearing sweat pants and a baggy shirt, "I haven't seen you around before are you new?" She asked holding a remote. "Yes, I'm Natasha " I reply putting my bag down on the shelf as instructed, "oh well it's nice to meet you I Mrs. Tore" she said smiling. "Ok guys we will be starting something new, we will be doing stretches first then we'll get into it" she said turning on some music.

Once we had finished stretching we got into some dance moves, Jordan had told me that she likes dancing and she said its not one of her best subjects. I laughed at what she had just told me with the teacher didn't like," are you right lady's?" She asked with her hands crossed on her chest. "Sorry Mrs. Tore, yes" I replied and she nodded her head. She started teaching us this dance that she had learnt in Hawaii, it was a bit difficult but we managed to get the hang of it. It's 2:56 we walk out of class with sweat dripping off of our faces, "it's so hot" I heard a girl say in the class, "so where are you off to" Jordan asked while we make our way to the front gate.

"I'm going to get picked up by On..." I stopped and paused for a minute, what if the boys don't want anyone to know that they adopted me? What if the words get out and people make funny of me? I know that some people at school don't like One Direction, I don't know if it's there music, songs, looks or the way they do things. I won't tell just in case, "by one of my relatives, my mother and father are out of town for a while" I say thinking about my parents. "Ok then I'll see you tomorrow?" She said unsure, "yeah ill meet you in the hand ball court" I said back to her, she smiled and walked off.

I slowly walk down the path waiting for the boys, there told me that they would wait for me at the front of a blue and green house. I don't know why a blue and green house but that's what they said, I saw the house just up ahead and walked towards it. I stood there for a few seconds and then saw the boys, I smiled and jumped into the vehicle. "So how was school?" Harry asked and the boys all focus on me, "yeah good I learnt alot about everyone and made a friend" I said pushing my bag under my feet.

"Nice! What's her... Or he...umm? What's it's name?" Louis asked confusedly, we laughed at the statement that was just made." Her names Jordan" I tell them, "well I'm glad you had a great day and since it was your first day, we're all going to go to the Reed shopping centre to start designing your room". Oh my gosh we are gong to do it now, I mean I do know what Im looking for to start my room, but I would of never imagined it to be so early.

We were a few minutes from the shopping centre, I didn't think tell the boys about Candice and the chapters would be a good idea so I kept it to myself, for now. Louis found a park and we all got out and walked inside the big glass doors, colours and music filled the centre with 100s of shops. We spilt up and started looking for items for my new room, I was with Zayn we started in a little shop that had beautiful lights inside. I looked around at all the different colours and shapes, I don't want something big I don't want the boys spending a lot of money on me.

I found it the perfect lights I told Zayn and he grabbing them and carried them up to the counter, they were small and white, they are all attached to a lead and they didn't cost much. We walked out and went into another and another, by the time we had finished it was 5:54. We all went back to the car and put the items into the back, then we went home to get some dinner started since we're been walking around for a hour or two. When we got home Louis and Zayn were arguing over what we would be having for dinner, we loaded all the boxes and bags onto the floor near the shoe rack.

"We should order pizza!" Louis said excited "no we had take-a-way yesterday night" Harry said, "I want chicken!" Zayn yelled "Niall what do you want?!" Louis asked, "what? Oh I don't care what we have" he replied walking down the hall. The boys stopped and looked at one another looking confused and worried, "ok what was that?" Zayn asked "Niall never gives up the chance to pick food, he loves food" Louis said worried. We all look at one another thinking about whats up with Niall.

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