Chapter 27

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Beeps and wheels. Puffs and huffs. Lights and sirens.

It's just black.
I can't see anything or move, it's scary.
Not knowing what's going on around you.

"Natasha...hey wake up" I hear someone say to me, then the warm touch of them holding my hand. I can't say anything, it's like my mouth won't allow it. My eyes stay shut, like if they were hit with light they'd be blinded. "Come on Natasha, please wake up", I hear the same person speak again. I pushed with all my might to open my eyes, but nothing happened. But thinking about it, what if I did open my eyes, what would happen. Will I be able to blink and see things, or will I be a frozen mess scaring everyone that walks past.

I push again and something happens, not my mouth nor eyes move. My left hand switches and my pointer finger moved, a gasp was made by the people beside me. "Natasha..." They speak, I move my hand again and they jump, not letting go of my hand. "Nurse! Nurse!" They shout, waiting for someone to come and see. A few foot steps rushing down halls, the echo could be heard from six rooms down. The person that was in the room with me, is being put out for reasons i not know of. A sharp pain was injected into my arm, the jab pinched a bit but then I could feel the fluid, being pushed into my skin. It's as if it was happening all over again, like another sheet of black swept over me.


My eyes shot open as I inhale a deep breath, moving forward to sit up but being shut down when my head hits the ceiling. The ceiling? I look around, a tight closed in space made from dark ebony wood. I start to inhale deeper, my breathing increased. "HELP!" I scream, thrashing around in the box. "HELP ME!!" I scream again, kicking my legs around in the tight area. I scream one more time before I realise, I could already be in the ground, no one could hear me.

A knock at the wood stopped me from my blubbering, I stop to hear for it again. Once again the knock was heard. "HEY!?" I shout, "HELP ME!!" I shout again, starting to bang and thrashing against the wood. A creak started to echo and I freeze, as I could begin to see light. I push the at the small opening, lifting the lid from this deathly trap I seem to be locked in. The wood cracked as it hit the floor, a murmur left my lips as my feet connected with the cold concrete.

I look up at the exit, one way out one way in. The brightness of the light almost blinds me, but I want to get out of this place. So I move. Only a few steps away and the heavy door closes, I ....... And run to the door constantly hitting it. No noise would be heard from the door, because its thick and made from concrete. I shout again, begging to be let out. Which makes me think for a minute, I've never begged in my life. What the hell is this place...

I sit on my legs, with my hands on my face. My breath being the only thing heard, until a snicker echoed around the room. Then another, and another. Beginning to get stressed out I stand up and turn, looking at every hole in the room, every little gap in the walls. "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!!" I scream in frustration, "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!!" Tear threaten to fall. "You know you always were like your father", a voice specks at last. I tense and slowly turn around, to look at the dreaded monster that has caused me hell.

"Oh honey, your awake...well we can fix that", walking towards me with the grin of satan. I turn to run but there was a wall, that wasn't there before. I turn again and again, I'm cornered in an ally way, an the devils walking towards me...

"Natasha!" I snapped, hearing the voice of someone. I look up to see the devil gone, then one of the walls move. A way out, I didn't wait around... I ran for it. Like hell I'm staying there.


Niall's POV

She's shaking and murmuring still, two days and she hasn't done anything but that. The doctors say they aren't sure yet, on want is exactly is going on with her. I know they know something, an that they aren't planning on telling us it any time soon. I already tried telling the boys that, they said that it was a ridiculous theory. they told me that i should go home, get some rest and to stop worrying. Because the doctors knew what they were doing and if there was something happening, they would be sure to tell us.

I can't leave here, I won't. I know Natasha doesn't like hospitals and I will not leave her, whilst I'm here I'm also going to find out what the hell them god damn doctors know.

Natasha's POV

It's like a maze. Tall concrete walls, vines and bugs, narrow ally ways. All you can see is the sky, the vines, the walls and dead ahead.

I don't understand what is happening, I've never seen anything like it. I keep running from this devilish thing, not knowing where I'm going or even if she's still following me. I have a pretty good idea that she is. I turn a few corners along the way, I run straight passed an ally way when I see something, something so strange I stop and go back. I make my way down the narrow passage, "H...Harry?" I stutter. He turns to face me, " I thought you'd need a bit of help, he will help but I can still controlling him", a women's voice spoke from his mouth. This is the most weirdest, most terrifying and most bazaarest thing I have ever encountered.

"Harry are you okay??" I panic, he doesn't reply straight away with started to worry me. Before he spoke up and started with "I'm fine". He didn't seem to impressed, he raised his hand to his head and then scratched the back of his neck. "I'm so sorry Harry, I didn't mean for any of this to happen" I whimper. He just looks at me, like I'm some weird accident. "Of course you didn't, you weren't planning for this. So that makes you all innocent, I mean of course it would. Why wouldn't it..." He looked away rolling his eyes. I don't understand. I haven't done anything wrong. I look down at my feet, "I'm sorry" I simply state. I dragged this all upon him, and the boys. There don't deserve this. No one deserves this.

"No it's okay I shouldn't of said that" Harry replies, "yes you should have, because none of this is your fault and you nor the other boys deserve this" I finish. I walk away from him, I don't want him to help me, I don't want him to save me. It's not his responsibly and it's not his place.

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