Chapter 2

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Natasha's POV

When the curly haired boy saw me I knew then it was was Harry. Harry Styles from the famous British boy band known as One Direction. I do have to say they are super adorable, but I'm not in love with them I might have small crush on Niall but I'm not a dedicated fan girl.

But the most exciting part wasn't about One Direction being here, it was One Direction being here sitting on a couch ready to adopt and take some lucky child home.

"Hello boys, were you looking into adopting?" Rebecca said after reaching the bottom of the stair case. " Yes Maam, we wanted to adopt" spoke Niall, his voice so sweet and soft when he spoke.

"Did you boys have a specific age in mind?" Asked Rebecca, and she sat down on her chair. "No, we don't " "WellI'ill give you boys a minute to think about it" Rebecca said.

Liam's POV

When a beautiful middle aged lady walked down the stairs, her name was Rebecca, well that's what the name badge said that she was wearing. When Rebecca asked if we had a specific age I didn't know what to say, cause I didn't think of that. I'm glad that she let us decide and talk about it, she then walked out to give us some time to talk.

"What were you lads thinking about" I said them, "I was thinking maybe a teenager, cause their not too old or young" Harry said to us, "But that's just what I think". "Yeah I think that would be cool cause like we are all crazy and I think we would get along well", Louis said, "So we all agree on a teenager?" I asked. They all said yes with big smiles but Louis' was the biggest.

Harry went to go get Rebecca from the other room, "So you boys know what age group you were looking for?" Rebecca asked us. "Yes, we were looking for a teenager", Rebecca went to the second draw in the desk and opened it.

She pulled out a book and gave it to us to look through, Harry took the book from her hands, placed it on his lap and opened it. The boys gathered around Harry and started to go through the book.

He started looking at all the profiles of all the children in the book there wasn't a lot of children. "What about this one" Zayn ask pointing too a young girl, she had beautiful brown hair and gorgeous brown eyes. I looked around to see the boys with big smiles on their faces.

And from then I knew that she was the one.

Niall's POV

While looking, I saw a few children that I didn't mind, not to be picky, but when Harry turned the page I slapped my hand down on the book. "By the sound of that I'm guessing you boys have found one" Rebecca said walking over to us.

" Yes, yes we have" that's the one. That's the girl.

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