Chapter 15

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Niall's POV

I still haven't gone inside, I don't know whether to walk around the neighbourhood to pass the time, or to sit out here and wait. I loud bam from the house startled me making my turn my head rapidly, and walk towards the house. As I open the door all heads turn, I see boys just boys. Where's Natasha? I ask them and they tell me about the tv, the women, the shocked look on Natasha's face.

It's been a few minutes since that happened, no ones gone up there and she wasn't come down. I've heard the whole story but I don't know what to do, I don't know whether I should go up there and comfit her. I know she properly wouldn't let me but I want to be there for she, no matter whats she has or will do. I make my way up the hall with voices following me, all telling me it a bad idea. In my head and from the boys, I ignore and continue walking towards her room. I don't understand why the boys didn't go after her, or help her and see whats wrong. I soon found out when I opened her door.

I knocked twice and opened the door slowly, in the corner of the large room shaking. Her legs curled up to her chest, with both arm wrapped around them. I walk over to her watching as she rocked back and forth, I place my hand on her knee and crouch down so sit near her. "It's okay" I say not really knowing what to do, i've never been in a situation like this before then she collapses onto my chest crying, so I move so I can comfort her while she sobs and crys. It felt weird being the one comforting someone I'm alway the one being comforted, so it felt different but nice. The way she would just let go, like she wasn't afraid.

I didn't think she would want to talk, well not you me anyway. But she did, I asked her some questions ones that will hopefully not to invading. Some she answered others not, but then again I didn't really expect her to answer them all. She seemed calmer and more relaxed, not that she was around me but I think it was because she got to talk to someone. Someone that would listen and never tell, someone like me. I know that I have alot of anger inside of me because of her, but now it's kinda faded and I'm not mad.

We sit there in silence for a good ten minute, it wasn't awkward or anything it was... Good. I don't really know another word to describe it but good, so good it will stay.

Harry's POV

"They've been up there for awhile, do you think someone should go up there?" Louis asked, "I don't know, but I do agree it's been quiet" Liam replied lets give them 5 minutes. I don't know what's been going on with them two, but I know there is something. It's the way they act and talk, the way they laugh and smile. Niall doesn't smile like that so I think he might like her, but I don't know if she feels the same way. I know it's none of my business to be wondering about this or whatever is going on, but it's just I've never seen Niall like that and to be honest it's kinda creepy.

Natasha's POV

We've been up there for awhile not really talk as to just sitting there, not in awkward silence but just silence. It was nice but I don't know why Niall would come up here, after that argument thing we had it feels kinda weird with him here. Not knowing what he could do, or what he could want but in another way I like it. I know something will happen, something that will make him want to get me back. Honestly I don't know why, I like him but then again I don't. It might sound weird but if you were feeling what I am you would understand.

But seeing my mother on the news is unbearable, it was so hard for me to live after she was sent to jail. I had no one, saw no know, knew no one. She ruined my life hard to say, she left me, got sent to prison, killed my only family and now she's out running around somewhere. In some ways I want to talk to her, but in others I don't want to be anywhere near her.

After a couple of minutes, Niall and I came down stair and I told the boys that I was okay, I could tell they wanted to ask me questions, but they didn't and I'm thankful. Because I didn't really want to be bringing it all up again, I do appreciate Niall having the guts to come up and talk to me. I'm not saying that the other boys don't, I just mean like through the fight and yelling, hating and pretending. He wasn't the one I thought would be up here, but then again I thing he's the one that knows the most about me. Especially now.


My sleep wasn't the best, dreams everywhere. Good, bad, confusing. Back and forth, left from right. I remember waking up a few time, twice with Niall in my face. Rubbing my arm, telling me to calm down and it's okay. I walk down the hall not nothing to get dressed because it feels to early, "how was your sleep?" A voice says. I look around but I couldn't see anyone, so I guess it was just in my head.

I got a frying pan out of the down cupboard and put it on the stove, a knock from the door I heard maybe a cupboard? I begin to open the front door as I hear the sound of whispering, then another knock on the door. Running back to the kitchen and grabbing the frypan, I got back to the door and open it. I mean I know what your thinking, a fry pan?! Why not get a knife or scissors or something sharp. Why I don't want to be a murder and I'm not a fan of blood, plus I don't want to be stabbing someone repeatedly with a pair of scissor.

So hitting them across the side of the head with a frypan, giving me time to run and call someone. Yeah I think I'll go with that.

Opening the door slowly I get ready to jump out from behind the door, at the last minute I swing the door open and jump out. A scream? "What the hell are you doing!?" Harry? "You scared the life out of me!", I say bending over and picking up the frypan that made it way to the floor,as the sound escaped his lips. "I scared you? Your bloody joking! You have a bloody frypan in your hands!" He said, "I was just getting breakfast" he finished.

He places the food on the table, "so where are the boys?" He asks expecting them to be shovelling down the food. "I don't know, I don't think there up yet" I answer grabbing a plate, "Louis and Liam were up when I was here this morning?", He says but more of a question. "I'll go check on them" he said going down the hall, I continue putting food on my plate knowing he won't take long. A creek from the door, I stop and poke my head around the corner. The doors open.

I grab the frypan and walk slowly to the door, "no ones he.." I cut him off by shhhing and waving my hand. He raises an eyebrow and walks with me slowly, touching the door and opening it wider to see if anyone's there. No one I drop my arm down until a laugh is hear throughout the room, my arms back up and ready to swing. "You thought you could keep her from me?" Another laugh, "I'll always be able to find her, she's my girl".

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