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Louis smiled and reached down to grab the handle on the door, Zayn moved to behind me and covered my eyes with his two big ruff hands. I heard a click when the door opened and two hands grab my arms, and led me inside the room.

I heard a few giggles and then it became bright, really bright like I was in heaven. Then it Became clear, I see white walls and a big couch. " Welcome to your new room, do you like it?" Louis asked, " it's amazing! I love it" I shout". I walked around for a while looking at everything in the big room, it's was like a small square at the door and then a big bean shape. "We have also put you into a new school" Zayn said, " AHHHHH! Thank you, thank you, thank you! " I shout.

"You'll start tomorrow, we will have a little tour of the school in the morning for the first two periods" Liam informed me, " then we can get some stuff for your new room, you know to make if colourful and whatever girls like" Louis laughed. After talking for a bit about some ideas about my new room, the boys left. I was all by myself to explore the massive room, there was a few cupboards, and a desk and a big bed on the left. After looking around and jumping on the bed I went back down stairs to get my bag, " hey boys, where are my bags?" I ask worried cause they are not in the house. "They're still in the car, ill go and get them" Niall said grabbing the keys and closing the doors free walking out.

I jumped on the couch earning a raised eyebrow from Harry,and a laugh from Louis. I smiled and joined them laugh, then focused my attention to the t.v. "come on Fin" one of the characters said to the other I turned to Harry, " really Adventure time!?" I asked smiling. " It was Louis' pick " he said with his hands up in defence, I laugh and Niall walked through the door with my two bags.

"Thanks" I smiled taking one of the bags, then the other. I started to walk carrying both of my bags but stumble a bit, I didn't realise would much stuff I packed. "Here, I'll help you take that up stairs" Niall said grabbing the biggest bag from my hand. We walked up stair and I opened the door, " thanks for that Niall, you didn't have to" I said putting the bags that I had in my hands. "Don't worry about it, it's no trouble" he replied, " well we better get down there the boys will be hungry" he said and we both walked back down stairs. After arguing and bickering we all decided on ordering Chinese, Liam called and said that it would take around 25 minutes.

While we wait picked out a movie and got a few blankets and pillows, the boys let me pick the movie. I decided on the movie ' Super natural ' it is one of my favourites, just as Harry put the movie in there was a knock at the door. "I got it" Liam said jumping up out of his place to get the door, I saw that he had grabbed his wallet. When he came back he had 5 boxes in his hands, he placed them on the little table in front of us, then went to go and give the plates.

I sat in between Niall and Louis, then sat Harry beside Louis and Liam beside Niall, Zayn said that he would sit on the floor, so that he did.

. . . .

I don't remember much after the movie, but I do remember that someone picked me up and then laid me on a soft bouncy object, then gave me a kiss on the forehead and closed the door.

I woke up to the sound of Louis yelling " first day of school! First day of school!", I can tell that he quoted that off ' Finding Nemo'. But he was right it was my first day of school, and I wasn't ready one bit. When I had my shower, ate breakfasts and had gotten changed into some suitable clothes for the day I was ready for school, thank god we don't have a uniform.

I met the boys down stairs and we all jumped into the car and drove to my new school. It didn't take very long to reach, a few corners and stuff but not to far away. I hoped out of the car and so did the boys, we walked into the office where we would get a tour of the school. A orderly lady was sitting at the front desk, " Hello, how may I help you?" She asks with a warming smile. "We are her to see Mrs. Jonah for the tour of the school" Liam replied, " yes she will be right with you" she replied.

We when and sat on a big couch waiting for Ms. Jonah, lucky we could all fit on it. After waiting a around 4 minutes she walked through the doors, " Hello you must be Natasha Lash, It's nice to meet you" she said sticking her hand out for me to shake. The boys introduced themselves to the principal Mrs. Jonah, " Our school has a excellent curriculum for our students and we think all of our student get a say in want goes on in our school" she tells us.

After we started to walk down a big hall then we swung a left, it's the biggest area I have seen. There tables and chairs for lunch, trees and plants around the outside of the retaining wall and a big open roof when you look up where the beautiful sun hits. When the tour was over it was my fourth period, I said my goodbyes to the boys, then Ms. Jonah showed me to my class. She started talking to me about some student discipline thing, I don't really know I wasn't really paying attention.

When we got to the room she knocked not the door then opened it, she spoke to the teacher while I walk in. She turns to the class " Everybody" She claps her hands, " this is Natasha Jacobson, she is new to school and I would like you to make her welcome " with that she walked out and left. "Hello Natasha the teacher smiled, why don't you take a seat new to Jordan" he said pointing at her int he middle row. I walk down the rows slowly looking at all the different faces in the room, " I smell a baby prositute" a male voice came from the back, and everyone laughed when I smiled at a boy in the second row.

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