Chapter 11

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I wipe the clear liquid that is falling on to my cheek with the back side of my hand, "it's Natasha she's such a little girl" he looks at me confusedly. "She's like one of then teenagers that just use guys to get ready for something bigger, better or uses them just for shits and giggles" I say finishing my sentence with a sigh at the end.

It's a surprise I mean I was just going to get Liam and there he is coming to me, just like he knew exactly what I was thinking but only if it was that easy to tell him. I explain every thing to him "I don't understand why she's like this, she wasn't before" I sigh. "She's a girl Niall I can't help you with that one" he chuckles, trying to enlighten the mood "but the stuff that we did and the way she looked at me.." I looked up. "Niall girl are difficult ", "I'll say " I mumbled " they will say something but mean another" he told me "i don't understand how this is going to help?" I replied with an annoyed step in my voice.

"What I mean is girls will do this, she will do this type of stuff sometimes tease you, tell you to do stuff and you thing you are doing it for a good reason, use you" he explain. "But Niall the question is was she really using you or we're you just a guy" he said, "wow thanks mate that makes me feel a lot better" I say standing up looking at him. "Niall you said that you had had girlfriends but nothing serious right?", "right? " I reply " maybe you her you weren't a serious relationship, maybe she just wanted to know what is was like to have someone care for you" I eased up a bit when he said that.

"Maybe she didn't have anyone to love her, I mean her mothers gone, her fathers dead and her sister and her got split up" he tells me. I see where he's coming from but why with me, I love her and I want her to love me too. "I hope it gets better" he says with a gentle smile and a pat on the back, then his out of my room in a blink and I'm here once again thinking about her. A few minutes later I decide to try talking to her again, with a knock on the hard wood door that keeps us apart. "Yes?" I asks as the door opens, "why did you do it?" I say back with a sour patch in my tone. "I don't know what your talking about" she grins with her back towards me, "don't act dumb Natasha you know exactly what I'm talking about, why would you do this to me I was falling in love with you and you turned your back on me" I tell her as she turns around to face me, her dark blue dress twirls as she spins.

"Manly fun... To see what you would do, what you would say but you got kinda boring so " picking up her perfume bottle and twirling it around in her fingers, "fun! Fun! You did this for fun! " I walk towards her to close for her liking. "What can I say never fall, it hurts when you hit the bottom" she states, with a deep voice stepping closer to me right in my face then with a smirk she walks out the door. Squinting at the door with my eyebrows knitted together replaying how she walked out of the door, like she walked out of the world without a care but I guess why would she. Looking at her the way when I first did to see how gently and scared she was, it's hard to see how she has changed into this new beauty.

I try to turn down my emotions towards her but its still at a high rate, like a fire chart with the arrow to dangerous. Does she have to be like this? Does she have to just walk away from it? I think to myself as I walk down the hall, siting on the lounge watching tv but not actual paying attention.

Louis' POV

"Come on Natasha lets go" I tell the dark blue dress I see front he corner of my eye, then the sound of heels nicely tapping the concrete tiles as she follows me to the car. She seems different from when we first picked her up for the orphanage, she was this shy little thing and now she's wearing heels to school it's just a bit shocking how fast she changed. I'm not dising it I like it, I think she's finally showing who she is. The drive is short to her school but not short enough to not to have a little convocation, just about little things like why people are so slow, why the music on the radio isn't that good and why the blinker on the car makes that weird noise. When I stop the car she jumps out with a spring and grabs her bag she thanks me for the ride, "I will come by this arvo to pick you up ok, have a good time" I smile as she replies "I will and I will wait out here" and she's off.

Natasha's POV

I rush out of the car like a race horse busting out of the gates, Im not excited or happy I just don't really want to be in that house. I've been stuck in it for how long a few hours and drama is already here, it's seems to find its way to me were ever I got. I'm not a trouble maker but for some reason trouble follows me, like a sad lost puppy it doesn't know where to go so it follows. I walk through the gates looking at all of the outsiders, I can't seem to see The Chapters and I'm glad I don't want them barking at me. I don't know them but I know a bit about them like Candice will yell at you for even looking at her, she's so feisty she's like a rabid dog that has been stuck in a cage for to long.

Kiana isn't the brightest I don't know why Candice is with her it's not like I have anything against her but she does seem a bit loco, I know she smokes but they all do I think it's sorta like a follow the leader kinda thing. What Candice has all the girls have, to piercings, tattoos then jewellery, and clothes. But by the sounds of it she is here and were there's Candice there's the pack. It looks like Candice is yelling at Kiana for something, I kinda feel sorry for her but then again she chose that group of friends. I look for Jordan but she's nowhere in sight so I keep walking around just to pass the time, the bell rings and I spot Jordan and go up to her to see if we have the same class.

"Hi, how are you?" I asked when she turned around, " good thanks and you" she replied with a smile I don't know how she can be so happy all the time. "I'm good, whats your first class?" I asked her while getting out my timetable, I hear a noise behind me while I'm talking to Jordan I try not to pay attention but it sounds like its bad. There's shouting and yelling with a bam and a boom there and I have to nerve to turn around, Candice is shouting at a girl that is laying on the floor the girl has glasses but there are black. I think she might be blind I dont know why she would be picking on a blind person, I want to step in but I'm scared I don't know what she would do.

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