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I get there to a loud noise of people shouting and yelling, I walk in with them and find a sit. Sitting in the third back row so the middle I guess, I'm not sitting at the back where most of the bad people are nor sitting at the front with the TP's. A boy in the fourth row winked at me as I took my sit and I couldn't take my mind off it, when Mr. Sulpo started the lesson I knew I had to focus. I knew he was staring at me, he has been staring at me for 15 minute now. I turn my head back every once and a while and always seem to catch his eyes, looking, watching and waiting for me to move.

I do have to admit he's cute with his brown hair and blue eyes, always looking at me as do I to him. He sits with a group of people two girls and a boy one of the girls is watching him and me, like she's afraid he will jump around the chairs and desks to catch me. Not that I'm falling but that's what her face looks like, I don't know if they are dating hopefully they're not cause he's cute. Im not saying I want to go out with him I'm just saying he's cute, before I could think of him again the bell rings cutting me out of my imagination. I go to the table Jordan and I usually sit at and wait for her to come, a few minutes past and she has sat down and we are talking about the classes we just had.

"Well she was so rude, I don't understand why anyone likes her" Jordan finishes by taking a bite out of her cake, I look at her then turn my head sideways questioning her as to what she was on about. "Sorry I tuned out what did you say?" I apologise as I get out my water bottle from my bag, "seriously? Am I really that boring that people just tune out when I'm speaking"."I was just thinking about..." I trailed off, I was just thinking about him the guy I met the guy that looked at me a way I never thought everyone would. "Natasha! Natasha!" A sound came into my ears followed by a hand waving in front of my face, "do you do that a lot?" She asks "yes, yeah I do".

I decided not to tell Jordan about the boy in my history class, I don't think I would need to tell her anytime soon I will tell her of course just not yet. The lunch bell goes and informs us we need to go to our next class, "math, you?" I tell Jordan know what she was going to say while we walk to our lockers. "Science, i'll meet you at the front of the school okay?" She asks like I would say no or just walk away, "yeah see you there" I say then walk off to RD12 my math room. After a few minutes of walking around looking for the god damn room, I decide to grab my time table and see if it can help. Obversely not so I keep walking trying to put the book back into my bag, as I hit someone as I turn the corner of a corridor.

"Sorry, I wasn't watching what I was doing" I apologise to the people standing in front of me, "no no don't apologise to me, after all I should be sorry" a deep voice spoke. I look up at him as he puts his hand out to help me up, a small smile was created as I look into his eyes. He was the boy from my history class, the boy that say a row behind me, the boy that would look at me when he things I can't see him. He bent down and picked up my bag from the floor, "sorry I have to go" I say and grab my grab from his hands. "Will I see you around here again?" He asks as I am already half way down the hall, "yes" I smile and turn around. I finally found my class room and explained to the teacher why I was late then found my seat, it doesn't look like there's a lot of people in my math class I'd say about twelve students are here. I don't know if people are away or if this is just our class, but they is like no people in the room.

"Miss Witney, what is the formula of 45+27x52?" The teacher asks a girl, in the back row twirling her hair in her fingers. "Umm like 356 duh, so easy" what?! I mean are you like are you stoned or just plan stupid whats wrong with you, and she's on her phone plus there's a calculator on the desk right in front of her god damn plastic bratz face. I don't know why she doesn't know this of this class is the highest math class for our grade, I know it's 1449 but I don't know if I am smarter or not as smart as the other people in this class. I was in the second highest math class in primary school and I think I did pretty good, I was proud of myself because ever since I started school I've been terrible at math and English. But now I think I'm getting better, I don't want to be the best at math or English because I don't really like the attention.

The bell goes and we have homework, like really! I don't even see the use of homework, no one does it. No one learns anything. No one cares. So therefore no point, no point at all. I pass a lot of people while going to my next class I have science, I don't like science but then again I haven't have it at the school so far. I'm just hoping its better then the one we got tort in the orphanage, I walk into class and see few people I know but I sit at the second back row by myself. I see a girl from my history class and one from my art class then I can see Candice, Leo and some of their gang too. Candice and Cari stare at me and I try not to make face contact with them, I haven't even done anything to them and they hate me. Well when you thing about it I was staring at them, I don't think they liked that very much. But they didn't have to chase me around the freaking school, well duh I wasn't going to stop running but still.

I wonder if they have a reason for chasing people around and hunting them down, or if its just their type of fun. Mr Dromnik start the class with some questions like; How many siblings do you have? What your favourite animal? Do you like being at this school? They're not science question of course but it seemed pretty cool, it was like he didn't want to be our teacher he wanted to be a friend. I don't think it's inappropriate for a teacher to become friends with the students, but I would never have a teacher as a friend. Mr Dromnik was a young man and looks like he's in his late 20's, and all the girls at the front seemed to get all lovey dovey around him. The girls at the front always ask him questions and make, stupid statement to try and make him go over to them.

"Sir, please come and help me I don't understand" Cari yells from the back, " your not going to get in his pants, you no that right" the boy next to Leo says. "We'll see " Cari says and winks at him I think the boy might be Sam, but I'm not to sure I look back when Cari says that. She so disgusting its just sick! "What are looking at! Your lucky I didn't catch you, but we can go again if you want" candice says and I turn away " thought so" she said. I try not to listen to them but its hard when the teacher is alway helping other students and stands in your way of the board, not that I can really hear anything because Candice and Leo talk so loud. I did over hear Sam say to Cari after she made that revolting comment ", I bet you 30 bucks if you get in his pants" he said and I'm guessing he had a smirk on his faces.

Then Candice put $20 on top and Leo put $25, it's amazing what people can do.

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