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The rest of the day went fast, but I don't think the classes went long enough. I walk out of class and up to the front of the school, I see Jordan and I walk over to her. The hill is steep but I make it as I walk around people, to make my up to the top. "Hey" I said smiling as a stand in front of her, "hey, how was your class?" She asks I look down remembering the boy that kept looking at me. "Yeah good, your's?" I return the question, "yeah I guess mine was okay, oh there's my dad got to go bye" she says then crosses the road. Before she goes to her car she looks at me and waves, I smile and wave back then she hops into her dads car and they drive off.

I walk down to the end of the school and plant myself on the navy blue concrete, I take my bag off and place it next to me then watch the cars drive past. I look up at some people walking, there is two boys and a girl, the girl is talking to the boy in the middle and the boy on the other side is talking to the girl. I look at the boy in the middle and he looks at me to, he smiles at me and I smile back then look down. It's the same boy from my history class that was looking at me, before I could think about it a car horn was fired and I blind rapidly. Then I get up and move to the car that brought me here in the first place, I open the door and jump into the care which held now three people.

Liam, Niall and me. The car ride was quiet most of the time, they was a few questions Liam asked me about my day. But Niall stayed quiet and didn't speak a word, I don't know why he decided to come. I feel like he was know right to be near me, I know what I did was wrong but I don't like Niall like that. I don't know if I even like him anymore. Strangers to friends then one having the wrong idea, then in comes the drama and now it's back to strangers. I over heard Niall talking to Liam this morning before I left, I think he was crying I'm mean he was cry over me! I'm just a girl and freaking teenage girl! It's not like I'm gonna get a ring or that we are gonna get married, show so maturity for gods sake.

We arrived home and I jump down from the tall vehicle, then follow my feet leading me to the front door of the house. A turn of the handle and a push of the door lead to an amazing surprise, one yelling, one screaming, one laughing, and another shouting. The boys jumped out from all different places, "what's going on here?" I asked smiling nearly dying of the heart attack I had just had. "It's a welcome/new home party!" Louis shouted running up to me, wrapping his arms around me squeezing me till I could barely breathe. The rest of the boy came a gave me a hug then I realised only four here, I don't remember Niall shouting or screaming when the door opened? Actually I don't remember Niall even getting out of the car with up.

"We got a cake" said Zayn, "CAKE! WHAT WHY DIDN'T I KNOW ABOUT THIS! I HAVE TO TASTE TEST EVERY THING!" Louis yelling following Zayn into the kitchen. "I just remembered I left my book in the car, ill be right back but don't get the cake out yet okay?" I say walking backwards heading towards the door. "Okay." Louis frowns and I open the door, I look in through the car window to see if he was in there then I decide to check the front drive. I can't seem to see him down here, he's not near the mail box nor the trees that drape across the gutter.

"You weren't looking for me, where you?" A voice spoke from behind me, I look down knowing who it is then thing of a quick escape plan. "No I was looking for my book, I left out here yesterday" I said turning around to face him. "Yeah, and did you find it?" He asks with a smirk around his face, "yeah I did i was just going back inside, what did you think I would really be looking for you?" I laugh rolling my eyes and walking back into the house. I know that sounded mean but I didn't know what else to say and I had to say something, the plan I had in my head backfired as soon as I heard his voice behind me. I panicked.

And I couldn't let him get away with the last words either.

Niall's POV

Making it seem like I didn't care worked more than I thought it would, I thought she would of been more evil if that's want you'd like to call it. When I heard the door open I thought it might of been her, I wanted to show her that I didn't care what she called me I didn't want her to see the soft centre of me take over. I wanted her to see me like that just for a tester, to see how she would take it. She didn't seem to care much, when I spoke she jumped a little but I'm not gonna give up.

I stay outside after all, I don't think she would like me to come in and watch, or join the celebration.

Natasha's POV

When I walked inside the sound of voices filled the room, I walked over the middle with a big goofy smile on my face. The boy are singing insanely loud, the boys aren't just singing loud they're singing high pitched. I know they are mucking around but it's really weird, I smiled thinking I haven't had a lot of birthday parties in my time. So I want to remember this one and hope this one will stay with me forever, so I'm going to be weird and crazy too. I decide wether to smile, make a wish and blow out the candles. Or do it Ace Ventura style, the end of the song came and I make my choice. I smiled doing a little ballerina turn lifted one foot then the other, and to finish my face collided with the cake.

Icing went everywhere and I laughed, the boys shocked then fell to the floor with laugher. At then I knew this was going to be the best ever birthday.

Once we cleaned up from the cake throwing and icing on the floor, Liam decided to cut the part of the cake that wasn't ruined. The boys and I sit/lay on the couch like kings and queens, waiting for Liam to bring cake. Harry was flicking through the channels on the tv, because we were originally watch cartoons on mute but Liam said we were to old for that. I didn't mind watching it, it was kinda funny anyway. Zayn seemed pretty disappointed when Harry changed channels, but we are trying to find something to cheer him up.

Harry's name was called and the remote was dropped, being left on the channel it was on. Till on mute a photo of a woman was shown, I grabbed the remote and turned the volume up.

"A middle aged woman, escaped from prison. She escaped last night from Mount Boulevard prison wearing a black T' shirt, black jumper and denim jeans. The police are trying to track her down so if you see this woman call 02 368 974"

The new reporter read from a sheet of paper, my eyes went wide and my mouth flew open. I began to breathe rapidly from the picture on the screen, my heart beating faster and faster by the second. This woman has ruined my life and I dot want to come in-contact with her ever again, isn't a mother suppose to support and protect her young. This woman did nothing like that, I don't know how I use to call her my mother.

This woman was sent to jail a few years ago, I don't know how she could of escaped. I don't know how the guards would let her.

"What's wrong?" Zayn asked me as he looked upon my shocked face, "do you know her?" Another question thrown. I run to my room slamming the door, jump on my bed lay in a ball and pull the blanket over me. I never want this to happen. I never want her to see me. I never want her to find me.

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