Chapter 16

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No it can't be, she. No. I stutter my words as they fall from my mouth, Harry trying to get me behind him. But I didn't let him, he have no idea what she can do. But that's not what scared me the most, it what she will do. She laughs and walks forward, "miss me" she says still laughing. "What did you do with them?" I shout knowing what she had, "I don't know what your talking about" small smile started to form.

"Do with who?" Harry asked obviously clueless on what was going on, "the boys! Where are they!" I yell louder. Harry's eyes went wide "I don't know what your going on about, I just want my baby girl back" she says holding out her arms and walking forward. "So this is the crazy lady, also known as your mother I'm guessing" Harry says calmly. Glazes shot from Ella's eyes, "I see you've been making up little story's again tashy" she stops in her place. She steps forward putting out her hand, "come on we'll go home", I laugh not just at the fact that she thinks i'll go home with her let alone home. I mean like what even is that anymore.

"Home?" I laugh again, "a home is a place where you feel safe and you are with the people you love, not a place that was a home and now a hell on earth! Safe? With you? Don't make me laugh and family...What about that, hum?" I pace in the little space I had. Of course not going anywhere near that crazy women! "Sweetheart, we all make mistakes" she smiles slightly, "mistakes! A mistake is when your told to grab the green coat from the rack but don't look properly and end up grabbing the blue one, or when you think it's you stop off the bus and put your foot out trying to get up but accidentally tripping the next person who walks by. That is a mistake, what you did was from pure evil and hate-rid, and it disgusts me." I start to cry from thinking about our family.

"You need to leave" Harry clearly states, taking a step forward. She looks at him then at me, she snarls and turns around. Once at the door she turns back to us, "I'll get you back, don't worry your pretty little cheeks I will" and walks out. I run to the door before it shuts, "where are there?" I say breathing heavily. "I grow up big and tall, but lose my clothes in the fall" she smiles, I look at her and repeat the riddle in my head. "Your favourite game" I said looking up relishing her was gone.

"What was her favourite game?" Harry asks as I close the door, "time riddles" I began to breath faster. "If there just riddles why are you worrying, it will be fine" he says sitting on the chair next to the small table. "No Harry a time riddle is like a normal game of riddles but you have a time limit, usually it would be like a dare or something not that bad but this is my mum and she's killed", I feel tears come to my eyes again. "Well how long is it usually and how do you know when times up?" He asks starting to panic, but doesn't really know what to panic about.

"The person your playing with would tell you" I say not knowing what to do, "who is it anyway?" He asks I start to pace around the room. "Harry, it's the boys." He looks at me standing up and paces with me but he's it a lot faster, "what do we do! Do we call the police? Will she hurt them bad? What will she do? What will her do?!" He yells. "Harry?" I stop "turn around" and he does, "did she touch you?" I ask touching his back. "Yeah but I didn't think it was anything, why?" he curiously asks, "you have it!" I jump holding it in my hand. "Have what?" He turned around so confused.

"When she touched you she put a little speaker on your back" I say, "how can you see it?" He asks. "It's small back it's not that small and I remember seeing one of these, when we use to play" I frown.

4 hours

I voice from the speaker says, "what was the riddle?!" I panic. "I grow big and tall, umm...but lose my...clothes in the fall" he says jumping with success, repeat it over and over and over. "Tree, it's a tree!" I jump and we run outside. "What one though?" He says looking at the trees that filled the yard, "I don't know" I look at him with a worried expression. I start to panic, "what are we going to do! We have know idea what the tree is let alone what it looks like. We aren't going to have enough time and we aren't going to find the boys, then the psycho bitch is going to take me to her freaking hell house, and something will happen to the boys and you and, and" I break down in tears.

"Shhh..." Harry try's calming me and putting me into a hug, "it's okay, we will find out where they are and we will help them, don't worry Natasha" he says. A voice comes from Harry's back, "under the tree, under the tree, the tree your looking for is the capital of Tennessee" Harry and I look at one another thinking. "The captain of Tennessee is Nashville, isn't it?" Harry asks me as I continue to think, "yes it is, but I don't understand what Nashville has to do with a tree?" I say confused. "Did you have a pet of a family member or something like that, or maybe Nash", Harry asks as we both know our times running out.

"No not that I can think of" I say panicking, what are we going to do? What are we going to do? I pace. "Wait! What if she thinks we aren't that smart", Harry looks at me with his eyebrow fuzzled together. "So then she would think that we would think that it's Nashville, when it's probably not." I say Harry looking at me confused as ever, "it's not the capital Tennessee, it's the capital letter!" I jump. Harry still in awh, I grab his arm and run to a tree. The tree is tall with a redy brown trunk, it's a grey leafs and two rocks infront of it.

I look at Harry, "when I got here I felt a bit scared, like I didn't fit in and at home, what use to be my home, I would go out and sit but two rocks in front of a tree. Because that's where he was buried, and we just had this connection so would talk to him", I told Harry but he had no idea what was going on. "I had a pet dog named T, when he died we buried him in the backyard" Harry smiled finally getting what I meant. "But what would that have to do with this tree? It's in a different spot" he says to me, "I don't know I guess we'll just have to see" I say running to the shed.

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