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Harry's POV

I wake up with the noise of a blender in my head, the TV was off and Louis was laying beside me. "Niall what the hell are you doing!" I shout trying to get my voice over the loud sound of the blender, "I'm making breakfast duh" he says turning off the blender."" I look at him questioning his change, "at seven in the morning?!" I must look so shocked to him because he's staring at me like its totally normal for him to be up this early.

Niall's POV

He's right. I would never make breakfast, lunch or dinner. But ever since Natasha came into my life it feels like I need to pick me act up, I don't know why I feel like this probably because I'm fall in love. But then again I've never been in love I have had a few girlfriends when I was younger, but nothing serious maybe I did love some but I wasn't falling for them as hard as I am. Natasha is kinda a quiet girl from what I know, but she definitely not shy. I don't know what her life was like before the orphanage and i don't really want to image it, but for the past week she hasn't opened up.

Come to think of it she hasn't really told us anything about herself, the children's book in the office of the orphanage did have some information about the children like; parents names, ages, siblings and a bit of the history that was past. On Natasha's page it had a photo of her with her age and parents names, it also had a bit of background of her parents; that most of her family had been killed by her murder of a mother. Her mother wasn't a murder but had killed most of her family, her father was a drugo and was never really home. She would stay at home with her older sister, she didn't go to school neither did her sister. I assumed that her sister that she had grown up with had been adopted earlier in the years when she was young, I image that she of they got a say really in going but what would I know I'm a famous pop boy.

I want to know what has happened in her life, so I know if she is haven't any trouble but I don't want to be rude and just ask. The site of people crying just seems so sad, not just the reason why they are crying just to see the tears running from there eyes down into their cheeks. You wouldn't see a lot of mans cry these days but the girls are so emotional, I'm not saying it to be mean but it's true most of the girls in this time just think every thing is about one thing. Then in the end it's not worth it and I'm hoping Natasha isn't one of them girls. I want to know stuff about her but I know that I can't just barge in a ask her, we are together? I think... I don't know. Well we do need to talk about a lot of things, so that's what I'm going to do I'm going to ask her if she is okay and see if I'm a part of her life.

I carry the breakfast tray down the hall along with my nerve racking body, I knock ever so slightly a small voice creeps though the door "come in". "It's just me, i was bring you breakfast" I smiled as I walked in to her room, "thank you, you didn't have too" she replied as I place the tray on the bed. "I felt like it" I said and she smiled again, she grabs the bowl of corn flakes and dropped her spoon into it. "Hey Natasha I was wondering... What are we?" I stutter, she laughed "people?" and she put the bowl down. "No like together" I watch her get up out of bed, "do you mean like relationship wise?" She asked looking back at me.

I just can't stop staring at her, I stand from her bed and walk over to her. I move her hair away from her neck with my hand, sliding my other down her waist. "Yeah" I say as I kiss her neck slowly, she laughs and turns around I stop and look down at her. "You must of took it the wrong way, Niall we aren't together" she tells me. "I know but we can be" I reply continuing to kiss her neck. "Niall I don't like you like that and I don't think I will, we just aren't right for one another" she says, holding a set of clothes in her hands " but we kissed" I told her removing my hands from her body.

"You think I like you cause of a kiss?" She scoffs, " and we were holding hands" I say again taking a few steps back from her. "So it didn't mean anything" she tells me "nothing?" I ask, "nothing" she replies with a laugh "I've kissed a lot of boys it doesn't mean anything Niall and holding hands well I just wanted to, you didn't have to i was quite surprised when you did" she says with a smirk on her tanned face. "Now can you get out I'm going to get dressed" she says closing the door when I'm out, how did it not mean anything to her she has to of mean something to her.

She's starting to sound like one of them bitchy high school girls, the ones how use people and don't care. I don't know how people can be like that or do something like that, it like the bullies at school how can you be so mean to people. I don't know much about her but I really hope this isn't her, she can't do this to me I know we have something I just know it. Into my room I go thinking of more ways to talk to her, thinking about all the things I have to ask her. Why is his happening? And why is it happening to me? The first girl I've fallen in love with and she technically used me for what, a high school dare, to get ready for a boy at schools hat she has a crush on but she's waiting for the right moment to ask him out!

Maybe it was because she saw how much I liked her that she thought it would be funny to mess with my feelings, then tomorrow she with run off with her little friends if she even has any. Wow did I really just say that? Yes, yes I did and I have a right to because she did this to me, this is her fault I'm turning into a love sick puppy looking for my master. I just need someone to talk to like one of the boys, a knock on my door followed by a persons foot steps walking into my room. I look up to find a very worried Liam at my side, "Niall whats up mate?" He asks as if he know straight away something's wrong.

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