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There were 3 things I learnt in English class;

1. No sit at the back, don't sit at the the front.

2. That Mr. Craig ( English teachers name) should never wear skinnys.

3. Half the people in my class hate me, for no god damn reason!

But on the plus side Jordan is sweet and smart, now we're friends and we're gonna hang out at lunch. It's fifth period now and I have Art at 2206, which I think is at the end of the school. "Hey Jordan, do you know where 2206 is?" I asked her, since I have know idea where I'm going. "Do you have Art?" She asked me curiously , " yes I do" I replied with my eyebrow raised looking for a reason why she asked me. "Oh my gosh! Me too" she smiled laughing and I joined in, " oh my gosh! Me to, do you to want me to feed to you baby's" a group of people passed, the boy in my English class looks to be the leader of the group. As the group walk away they laugh at the comment he just made.

Me and Jordan walk off with to art class, "we have Mrs. Barti" Jordan tells me as we approach the room. We walk into the already open doors and find a sit, "alright class we will be starting the drawings that we had discussed last lesson", she started. "Brittany would you please hand everybody a piece of the paper and a paint brush" she asked a blond girl sitting in front row of desks. "Excuse me Ms. Barti" a voice beside me saids, before I could stop her. "Yes Jordan" Ms. Barti asked, " this is Natasha she's new here and she doesn't know what we are doing" she told the teacher.

She looked over to me and started walking down the aisle towards me, " hello darling, we are going to draw something that we treasure or care about" she finished as the paper was beginning to be handed out. Jordan and I got our papers and smiled at one another, then got to work. I new what I was going to draw, its a drawing that i have drawn before. A photo of my sister, we were sent to the same orphanage when the thing with my parents went down, so she was always there for me. But one day a lovely couple can in and wanted to adopt her, I begged her not to go but she had to she was getting to old, she is 18 now her birthday is coming up soon.

A little girl with dark brunette hair and mud brown eyes almost jet black, she is sitting on a fight of stairs with a blue rosé flower crown sitting just on the top of her head. I had drawn this at the orphanage the day she left, I had got new paints from her to so I used them to fill the drawing with colour. I didn't want to look at Jordan's cause I know that it would be amazing, something inside of me knew that when I met her, that she would be amazing. That she was bright, caring and happy and she is, I know I only meet her like a hour ago but it feels like so much longer. I know it sounds ridiculous but it true.

I finished my drawing then to the teacher, she said it was brilliant and for her to do it it would take about 2 days. I was astonished be her words, I guess I didn't really think about it I just let the art take me away. People say that music is the key to a problem or music will let you be yourself, I do have to agree on that but I feel drawing let's out more. Drawing lets out what you have hiding or are to scared to let out, music does to but music is sound it's the vibrations going though you ear in to your brain and feeling the emotion and lets you picture it. But I the drawing it the picture you don't have to imagine it cause it's right there in front of you, you look, feel, think.

After art class was finished we had lunch me and Jordan packed up and went of to the out door area, we chose a spot and sat down. "Ok Natasha this is what you up agents" she started while putting a apple out of her bag, "you got you jocks; the D-bags that think there so cool, they basically own the field" she pointed them out. "Then there's you nerds and bookworms; games, comics, books blah blah blah" she laughed, "your preps; the jerks, the cheerleaders; the one who show off and to get jocks attention". She said showing me all the people on groups," there the popular kids and the dorks and there's T.Ps" she finished I look at her confused, " the teacher pets" she whispered.

She told me that Kacie Stuart and Chelsie Mark are the head of cheerleader 101 and that Regina Olafin, Antonia Leana and Stephanie Nolan are the most bitchest girls in the school and there just plan dumb. Leo fintiy is the most popular boy in school plus his group about 5 other boys not including him, Bruno weter is the top athletic he is so full of himself he could throw up and still have himself inside of him.

I was just a out to ask her how her art project was going when it went quiet, I looked up at all the people some gorking and eyeing some hiding and scared. I looked up at where all of the people were staring, a group of girls? Tattoos and some piercings cover there body's the girl at the front was tall and skinny she had dark brown eyes and brunette hair with blond at the end. She had tattoos up her arms and one behind her ear, a few piercings on her face a nose, a tough and lip with earrings in her ears first, seconds and thirds plus and the top.

"That Candice Talon girls the mean and most popular girl in the school and that her squad, the ' chapters'" she whispers, there are 5 girls walking behind her forming a triangle.

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