Chapter 4: The Man

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Previously on Mega Time Travel Problems:
"Hello kiddies. I've been waiting 17 years for this moment."


I just stood there. I was in shock. I didn't know wether to ask him who he was or to run. I barely even noticed when Nathaniel grabbed my hand tightly and got in front of me for protection. Okay, so I did notice that. The man starting taking off his gloves and boots. Nathaniel started pushing me back and stepped forward. He even balled up his fist.
"Now Nate. Is that any way to welcome your dear old uncle who just got back from 2020?"

"WHAT?! Your not my uncle! You look nothing like my uncle. Besides, he disappeared in 2020 and was never seen again." Nathaniel answered fiercely.
"Why, yes, I disappeared in 2020 because I came HERE. You see Nate, I came here because, well, let's just say that something very bad happens in the future and it starts TONIGHT," Nathaniel's supposed uncle said, "One action leads to another and at the end... It ends very badly. And it concerns you and your girlfriend here."

Nathaniel and I turned redder than tomatoes.

"Well, if you really are my uncle, prove it. What's your wedding anniversary to Aunt Marie?" Nathaniel asked.

The man chuckled and replied, "I never married Marie since she chose Roberta's father, Ricky, and now they have three children, if I am correct. When I left, she was expecting her third."

I saw his eyes turn lighter for a fraction of a second. It almost seemed bitter, yet incredibly sad. I hadn't heard THIS story before. I didn't know that my mother (My mother!) almost married Nathaniel's uncle. I'm glad she didn't or else I would've been Nathaniel's cousin. That would've made for awkward Thanksgiving dinners... ANYWAYS, Nathaniel softened and released his fist and got next to me. I linked my arm to his and to my delight, he linked back.
"Alright. I believe you." He said. "But what is this 'bad' thing that is going to happen? What did you see that concerned BOTH of us?" Nathaniel asked.
"Actually, it concerned quite a few people in this day and age," Uncle Noah explained, "The following to be exact:
Roberta Fernandez
Nathaniel Johnson
Lexi Fernandez
Ricky Fernandez, Jr.
Amy Watson
Diana Spencer
Emily Ngo
Clara Bill
Quinn Jackson
Kristina Russo
Michelle Russo
Scarlet Tuccini
Asia Aquino
Winter Michaels
Herman James
Alex Ramirez
Harry Smith
Josh Popov
Mason Williams
Carter Jones
That's the full list that I have gathered throughout the years of spying-- I mean, investigating you and your friends."

"Okay," I asked, "But you still haven't answered our question. What could possibly happen that is SO bad?"

Uncle Noah just looked at me with the saddest expression I had ever seen anyone bear in my entire 17 years of life.

Oooh! What could it be? And why does it involve so many people? Let me know what you think in the comments down below!
~NJ Rod

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