Chapter 7: The Rest

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Previously on Mega Time Travel Problems:

You could've heard a pin drop.

After Winter arrived, so did Emily Ngo and Clara Bill with their boyfriends, Alex Ramirez and Harry Smith, respectively. Emily and Alex had just started dating about two weeks ago, but Clara and Harry had been together for a whole year. When everyone on the list arrived, Uncle Noah re-explained the whole thing. AGAIN. Quinn and Josh came in but still refused to look at anybody. I was definitely gonna ask them about that. Later. It soon was 4pm and we still had not resolved anything.

I decided to speak up.
"Okay so we've got an option and a half; we either escape Harper and our horrible fate or we stay, try to fight it out, and most likely lose. What are we gonna do?"
Kristina looked thoughtful for a moment and then said, "Okay. Let's put it to a vote. An anonymous vote. We write 1 if we want to go and 2 if we wanna stay okay? Then we count all of the numbers and the one with the highest number , that's the one we go with. Sound good?" Everyone unanimously nodded. I got out paper and pens as handed them out to everyone...
After Noah had counted all of the numbers, he got up and said,

"Well, it seems as if...

EEEK! A CLIFFHANGER! What do you think the votes came out to?! Leave your thoughts in the comments below and PLEASE SHARE! Okay that's all. Till the next chapter....
~NJ Rod

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