Chapter 8: What now?

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Previously on Mega Time Travel Problems:

After Noah had counted all of the numbers, he got up and said,

"Well, it seems as if...

"We are going to leave. Tonight."

I let out a breath of relief. Harry stood up from his seat next to Clara and asked, "How many people wanted to stay?" Most of us nodded our heads, signafiying we too wanted to know. Uncle Noah smiled and replied, "It was an almost unanimous vote to leave. Only one vote to stay." We all looked around in shock. We didn't know who the traitor was, but I knew that when I found them, I'd ask them to stay and not to come with us. Someone who obviously didn't want to go, didn't have to. It would just be one less mouth to feed and one less worry around. I looked over to Quinn and Josh but Quinn was still avoiding anyone's gaze. Josh just looked super worried and was trying to tell her something. I went over while everyone else was thinking up supply lists and stuff. When Quinn saw me going over she got up and sat somewhere else. Josh stayed though. I asked him, "Hey. What's up with her?" He looked at me sadly and replied, "I wish I knew. She's been acting this way since two days ago. She even refuses to get near me! Maybe... Maybe she wants to break up? I don't know. I really like her, but she's not doing anything to make me think she likes me." I told him, "I'll talk to her, okay?"
I got up and went over to sit next to Quinn. When she tried to walk away, I grabbed her by the arm and sat her down. Then I proceeded to ask her, "Okay. Somethings up. Tell me. What the heck is wrong with you?" She glanced over to Harry who looked quite nervous sitting next to Clara. Clara was talking to Harry excitedly about who knows what, but he just kept glancing towards Quinn, then Josh, then Noah, then me, and the whole all over again. Quinn looked at me and said, "Can you keep a secret?" I answered, "Depends if it concerns someone that a care about. Tell me though."
She bowed her head and muttered something inaudible. "Speak up! I can't hear you."

"I slept with Harry."
Oh My Lanta!!! Quinn and Harry?! What?! I did NOT see that coming! Well, I did cause I'm the author, but STILL! Okay let me know what you think in the comments below and please please SHARE THIS STORY! Okay? Ya, thanks!
~NJ Rod

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