Chapter 9: Accusations and Realizations

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Previously on Mega Time Travel Problems:

"I slept with Harry."
"I'm sorry. I heard that YOU SLEPT WITH HARRY. I must've heard wrong. What did you say?"

"I slept with Harry. About two weeks ago. And now I feel sick." Quinn said.
I answered, "Well, YEAH. You cheated on your boyfriend for another girl's boyfriend. I'd feel sick too."
"No, no. I literally feel... SICK. Like I'm throwing up a lot and I'm being moody."

I looked at her with disgust, pity, and sympathy. I didn't know whether just to march over and slap Harry, tell Clara, tell Josh, slap Quinn, or just cry. I patted her back reassuringly and she started to sob. I asked her softly, "Have you taken a test or gone to the doctor's?" She replied, "No, no yet. I bought one a few days ago but I'm too scared to take it." I asked her if I could tell the other GIRLS. She said she wanted to do it. So, we called over the girls to come down to my room and Quinn told everyone what happened. The only one not present was Clara herself. When the others found out, there were mixed reactions of pity, anger, and confusion. The angriest one was Quinn's absolute best friend, Diana.

"How could you?! She was your friend! That wasn't cool, Q! What are you gonna do if that test comes back positive?! What are you gonna do then, huh?! I can't believe you right now. I just CAN'T."
Diana and Quinn had been best friends since the first year of Primary School, or as it was commonly known, Pre-1. Diana and Quinn were both in their 7th year of Secondary School, like most in the room, including me.

The one with the most sympathy was Michelle, who was the second youngest in our group, next to my sister Lexi.

"Don't worry Quinn. You'll get through this. Don't worry. We're here for you."

Michelle went to Harp and was in her 6th year of Secondary School, but she was already taking advanced classes for 7th year.

The most confused was poor Asia, who, while the loyalist of friends and best secret keeper, was just a bit slow when it came to realizing stuff. Her parents had still not had the birds and the bees talk with her...

"Wait. If she slept with Harry, how can she be pregnant? Like, did the stork start building a nest on you bedside window? That's how you know. DUH. And what does protection mean? Like protection against WHAT?!"

Poor, innocent, little Asia. The saddest thing was that she was one of the most popular girls at the Harp and she had 5 boys ask her to the end of the year dance.

Winter's reaction was different from everyone else's, though. She was always the first to think outside the box and the first one to think about others too. She too was in 7th year and she was on the cheer team. She was the IT girl at Harp but hung out with EVERYONE. She was super nice and very down to Earth, unlike the other cheerleaders.

"When are you going to tell Clara?"

"Tell me what?"
*gasp* Will Quinn tell Clara or will she keep it a secret? What will the other girls tell Clara and how will Harry handle the news? And what the heck happened to the escape?! Let me know what YOU think in the comments below!
~NJ Rod

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