Chapter 33: Aftermath

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Previously on Mega Time Travel Problems:

As I opened my mouth to speak, someone began yelling from the entrance of the Area.

"Miss Janet! Miss Janet! Over here!"

"Alex, Emily! We're over here!"

"Asia! What happened?!"

"Someone get help for her!"

"Scarlet, we've got another bad one!"

"Miss Janet, what's going on?!"

"Where's Uncle Noah?"

Remarks like these were shooting from all around the Area as we saw Team 1 (Miss Janet, Emily, Alex, and Asia) enter.

Asia was being carried by Alex and Emily and looked pretty beaten up. Her right leg had a deep cut on it, her left arm had many fresh bruises on it, and she wasn't moving.

Clara and I rushed over to help Alex and Emily carry her to the injured section of the Area. Scarlet fell to her knees on seeing her best friend like that. She began crying but examined Asia nonetheless.

While Scarlet looked at Asia with the help of Clara and Emily, Nathaniel and I went over to where Miss Janet was sitting, drinking water and looking like she was trying to calm herself.

"Miss Janet. What happened?" I was almost scared to ask.

Her eyes looked dead. Her whole body was hunched over and she looked like she wanted to curl up and die in a hole. I called Gina over to give her something to eat. I repeated my question again but no answer from the assistant was heard. We tried over and over again for a few minutes but each time she shook her head violently and pushed us away. We gave up and decided to give her some space and time.

I went to check up on Tori and Tony first. Tony had been moved to the furthest part of the injured section of the Area. I went over and pulled back the curtain of the bed where Tony laid.

Apparently Tony was feeling much better.

Well enough to sit up.

Well enough to have Tori sit on his lap.

Well enough to have pulled Tori's top and (almost) her bra off completely.

Well enough to-- well, you see where this would've gone had I not intervened.


I coughed loudly after standing in silence for a full minute.

They noticed me and pulled apart immediately. I stood there and smirked as I watched them freak out. Tori scrambled to get her shirt and sweater back on while Tony covered the lower part of his body hastily with a blanket. I snickered.

"Well, I came by to check on how Tony was doing but I'm guessing your just fine, huh? I mean with Tori at your side and all..." I couldn't help but smirk wider.

Tori began after she had pulled her shirt back on. "Shut the fu--"

"Y-YEAH. Feeling much better... better..." Tony cut in quickly. He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

I couldn't hold it in any longer and burst out laughing.

In between my laughs, I managed to choke out, "Glad to hear that... I'll leave you guys to it then.... Well not it it, if you know what I mean, don't do that.... just keep on healing ..."

Just then another person walked in.

"HEY! Has anyone seen---"

Riley stopped abruptly mid-sentence. She had noticed the scene in front of her.

I laughed out loud again.

"Oh my God.... I can't....good bye."
Riley and I stumbled out of the little section and left Tori and Tony alone.

And that's the end of chapter 33!

Nah jk. Here comes the serious part of the story.


A while later, I was scanning the Area to account for everyone when I felt a gentle tug on my black leather jacket.

I turned and saw Uncle Noah's loyal assistant standing beside me. Janet still looked terrible but now, the tiniest bit of her old sparkle had returned to her eyes.

"The little one. Noah saved her." She finally spoke.

"Asia? Noah saved Asia?" I asked curiously.

She nodded.

"The first blast is the reason her arm is that way. We were trying to escape when the second one went off. It trapped her. She screamed. We were almost out. But Noah told us to get out of that room. I tried arguing with him but he had already gone back. I would've followed him but I had Emily and Alex."

She stared blankly in front of us.

"He came back only minutes later, carrying Asia like that. He told us to find anyone else and find some help for her. We didn't even know this place was here. We were just wandering around, hoping we'd find someone, anyone."

"And... Noah? What happened to him? Where is he now?"

Janet took a shaky breath. "We don't know. He was going to go look for Team 5. Their last known location was somewhere in the front of the house. They were to be the first guards, the spies."

I was confused. "But, wait. Weren't Ricky and Amaryllis on that team?" My heart began to race. Ricky, my big brother, and his girlfriend, who I loved like a sister; if anything happened to them... I didn't know what I would do.

Miss Janet looked down and quietly said, "Michelle..."

My heart jumped as I realized what she was going to say next.

"Wait a second. The only other person left is--"

N: What?
N: Sorry hun.
S: *sobs* ...little Lexi...
N: ...whoops.
S: STFU * T E A R S *

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