Chapter 25: What just happened?

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Previously on Mega Time Travel Problems:

Tori and Tony had walked in....

...holding hands.

N: Shut up and keep reading...

"....what the hell, Tori." Gina.
"I'm your best FRIKIN FRIEND. How could you NOT TELL ME?!" Clara.
"When did this happen?!?!?!" Me.

"Well, we've been together for months now. We've just gotten pretty good at hiding it." Tony said, smiling happily and pulling Tori closer to him. Tori wasn't one to hug or show public displays of affection, but she reached up and kissed Tony. Elizabeth and I "awww"ed.
I saw Clara smile and Riley roll her eyes but smirk happily.

Then it lasted more than just a kiss.

Then it started to become a full on make out session.

And then...
"Get you some!" Clara
*wolf whistling* Regina
"Get a room!" Riley
"Well then." Winter
"Mmm-mmm GIRL." Diana

Tori and Tony stopped making out and and blushed profusely. Uncle Noah smiled at them knowingly and then turned to the rest of us and said,

"Well, I see we have that out of the way. Now onto one more thing..." his eyes glanced over for a fraction of a second to Jessica and Daniel, who again were acting all weird. Tori and Tony walked hand and hand to two seats at the table and sat down, Tori leaning her head on Tony. We all ate and chatted for a while more, until a woman we had never seen before walked in. She whispered something inaudible to Noah and I saw him look shocked for a second, but quickly regained his composure. He then nodded and the woman left only to come back a minute later with a large box. She looked like the type of woman that would be a wonderful primary schoolteacher. She was plump, had long, curly auburn hair, a small, sincere smile on her face, and had eyes that practically screamed 'motherly'.

She put the box on the table and said,
"Hi guys! My name is Miss Janet. I'll be your advisor here at Johnson Home. I don't know if you were able to tell, but when you first arrived, your cell phones were missing."
I honestly hadn't noticed, but, by the looks on their faces, some of the others had. Miss Janet continued, "Well, we had them here and altered a bit, if you may. These all now have a chip so when looked for, no one can find you, not even us. Got it?"

We all nodded and she handed us our phones.
I had exactly 78 calls, 214 holos, and many other attempts of communication through my other social media. Of the 78 calls, 65 were from my poor mother. She was probably worried sick by now. She had also texted me 159 times. I felt horrible for leaving her and Dad without any warning. I looked at my siblings and saw Lexi listening to a voicemail most likely from our mom and not even trying to contain her sobs. Ricky had a pained expression as he read what was presumably text messages from our mother. Amy was rubbed his back, trying to comfort him, but she was also reading texts that could be from her own parents. It then hit me that all three of my mother's children, her babies as she so liked to call us, were missing without a single trace as to where we were. I didn't even notice the tears rolling down my face, until Nathaniel put his arms around me and let me cry into his chest.

After a few minutes of feeling like a horrible daughter and person, I looked up from my place on Nathaniel's chest and saw him trying, and failing, to act strong. I put my own arms around him and felt let out a sigh of relief and pain. I looked around at the others and, unsurprisingly, saw similar reactions. Miss Janet had departed and Uncle Noah was on the other side of the large breakfast room, looking at his clipboard and writing things on it from time to time.

I looked at the other messages on my phone and saw that they were from some of my other academy mates at the Harp, along with some from my other family. I then saw Jessica and Daniel get up and go to the front of the table and Jessica said something I never thought I'd hear from any of my friends at this moment.

"I'm getting married."
S: HOLD UP. WHAT?! Married?! To who???? DANIEL??!? Pffftttt yeah RIGHT. Not on my watch sister!
N: *giggles like a maniac* You'll have to wait and seeeeeeeee!
N: I could.
N: *giggles* I did.
N: I would.
N: *cackles*
S: *face palms*

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