Chapter 31: The Prettiest Flowers

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Previously On Mega Time Travel Problems:

I nodded and turned to Nathaniel, but he was already halfway to the other room.

I helped Quinn up and together we walked to the other room where Nathaniel had found Centira and Kantor. They were fine as far as their health was concerned.

"We where just scanning the area with our heat sensors when the bomb or whatever went off. Do you guys know what happened?" Centira asked, still a bit shaken.

I shrugged. "Honestly Centira, your guesses are as good as ours. We were at the main staircase when all of this happened."

We all went back to where Teams 3 and 7 were. The area turned out to be the most stable and was quickly turned into a makeshift hospital. It was kind of perfect as none of the walls were in danger of falling and it was open-- yet if you didn't know the house, one would not be able to find it. The back staircase was next to a bathroom, which was, surprisingly, still working.

Team 6 (Mason, Carter, Kristina, and Scarlet) had joined Teams 7 and 3. Kristina's arm had a large bruise on it and was being tended to by Clara. Carter's leg was burned and Gina and Mason were helping to cool it off.

Scarlet's parents were doctors so she knew a lot about medical care and was now our unofficial doctor. Gina, Clara, Mason, and Riley were Scarlet's helper while Darrel was the guard and scout. He also had managed to get to the first aid room nearby and bring back some medical stuff, along with water bottles and snacks from the kitchen. Or what was left if the kitchen since it had been one of the worst places affected by the bomb.

The area was bustling by the time we got there and I told Quinn to go get some water and medicine to reduce some of her pains. She nodded and went off. I glanced around and saw the most critical patient: Tony. He was sitting up already with his back wrapped up in a cloth. What was left of his shirt was gone and Tori was beside him, rearranging his bandages. She saw me approach and smiled tiredly. Her eyes were still a bit puffy from crying but now she looked tired yet determined to stay at Tony's side.

"How well you holding up Tony?" I asked softly, after I had sat down next to them.

"Well, with Tori and Scarlet's help, I think I'll live." He chuckled.

Tori shook her head and laughed bitterly. I couldn't help but grimace at his words. He winced as Tori helped him lie back down. Darrel and Nathaniel were doing a head count of the people in the Area, as the makeshift hospital had been dubbed. I went over to them to make myself useful after visiting Tori and Tony.

"So here we have all of Team 7, right?" Darrel was asking Nathaniel.

"Um," I saw Nathaniel look and count off himself, me, Riley, and Tori, "Yes. Team 3?"

I was already ahead of him and had counted off Darrel, Clara, Gina, and Tony. "Yes, they're all here."

Darrel nods. "Team 6?" I saw Mason and Scarlet working and Kristina and Carter on the injured side of the Area. I nod.

Nathaniel asks, "Team 4?" I see Quinn, Centira, and Kantor. I then realize that Team 4 is missing one member...



N: *giggles nervously*


N: *sweats*


N: *leaves*

S *rants endlessly*

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