Chapter 29: Move!

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Previously on Mega Time Travel Problems:

I turned around and almost screamed.


I could feel my heart beating faster and faster in fear by the second. I turned back around to face Nathaniel. He grabbed my hand tighter and we rose silently. He quietly but quickly led me away and back into to the house. I was so scared that I didn't even notice how long the trip from the rose gardens to the door was.

Once we were back inside, we ran up the stairs and down the hallway where the rooms were located and I whistled our secret whistle while Nathaniel knocked on each door as softly as he could while still making enough noise to wake its' inhabitants up.

The girls from my own room were the first to come out. They didn't even look like they'd been sleeping although they made a grand act of saying that they had been fast asleep. Quinn, Diana, Clara, Tori, Centira, and Winter failed miserably at pretending like they had just woken up. After a while when everyone was already out, including Uncle Noah and Miss Janet, Nathaniel and I said what we had seen.

"We just just in the rose gardens when we saw Boykovich's guards coming up the driveway. They're almost here. We've either got to go or fight it out." Nathaniel explain, our hands still locked together.

Noah looked thoughtful for a second.

Tori took this opportunity to insert a snide remark. "Wait, what were you two doing in the gardens at this hour anyways?" She smirked.

I felt my face turn bright red. Thankfully, Noah spoke up.

"Well, I think it's best if we just stay in here, guarded. But no one go back to sleep. We have work to do. Everyone go change into something that you could train in." He looked at us and then left the room, Miss Janet following and asking him a million and one questions. We all hurried back to our rooms. For the first time in about ten minutes, Nathaniel let go of my hand.
I ran up and changed into some pants, a dark green shirt, and a black faux leather jacket. I quickly put my hair up into a ponytail and got my white and black sneakers on. I ran back down the stairs with the rest of my roommates, down to where Noah, Nathaniel, and the rest of the kids were. Once all there, Noah handed each of us what looked like--
Noah smiled. "These are actually weapons. The lipsticks actually knives. The watches, boys, you can communicate with the powder compacts, which all girls will have. And these," Noah brought out state of the art, never seen before, electro guns, with darts. They had a patch on them. "The patches are for the inside of your jackets. You stick em on, no one ever sees them, and you can take them out with ease."

Once we had geared up, we divided up into groups to scan and secure the perimeter of the house. Tori, Nathaniel, Riley, and I were given the task of guarding the main stairway. We got there in almost record time; I didn't even know we could run that fast.

"Okay so, this is where we came in from the gardens." I turned to Tori and Riley.
"Yes, we saw the guards come up the main driveway, so they're probably going to try either surround us or be dumb enough to actually knock on the door and wait for us to come out." Nathaniel was fixing up a human heat detecting device. "Either way we, we've got it covered."
"Great. So we just have to stop them from killing or capturing us. That's it?" Tori scowled.
"That's it." I shrugged.
"Perfect! Then after all of this, we could go out to get a coffee and talk about the weather!" The sarcasm was practically dripping from her voice. I got up from helping Nathaniel and the device to look out the window. I saw only the dark night hugging the gardens and the stars shining down. The moon was full and casting glowing white light on the grounds, illuminating my vision. I didn't see the guards or even the cars.

Something was not right.

I looked very closely at the driveway and saw tail lights - except they were driving away. By now, I knew something was terribly wrong and went back to were Tori and Riley were, bickering about who-knows-what.
"Guys." The immediately stopped and looked at me. "The cars. They're leaving."
Nathaniel looked up from the heat detector. "What?"
"Yeah, look at th--"

N: ....
S: ....
N: ....
S: ....
N: ....

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