Chapter 18: Traitor

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Previously On Mega Time Travel Problems:

Fortunately for me, but unfortunately for everyone else and me too, in walked the biggest traitor I knew...


"Get the hell out."

"Why are you here?!"

"Tsk. Tsk. Now is that any way to treat an old friend? I only stopped by to say hello and I'm greeted like this. I'm hurt."

"Well, guess what Harry? We don't care! You were never our friend and never will be. You can go rot in hell."

I heard movement coming from the back of the cell room.

"You came back."

"Oh hello Clara, dearest. Yeah, yeah I came back. To say hello and visit someone very special..."

I heard him walk around two cells down from me.

"Hello, Quinn. I've come to see you."

I could practically see the smoke coming out of Clara's ears even though it was darker than hell itself in the cell room. She was mad, not at Quinn, but at Harry for doing what he did. Even if she didn't know the true damage he had done.

"W-what are you doing here?"

"Oh dearest. You don't think I'd come and see you guys?"
I gasped. How did he know?!

"Wait. What? What d-do you mean y-you guys? Like all o-of us? Or just C-Clara and I?" She said quite scared and the rest of us girls knew why.

I still couldn't (and wouldn't) believe that Harry knew about Quinn's condition. It just wasn't possible. If so, how the HELL did he find out?! I tried thinking of possible ways he video update found out but I couldn't think of any. It pained me not being able to see my fiends or enemies at all. I had to really strain to hear everything going on. Thankfully, Ryan and Harry were slow talkers. I didn't believe that Harry actually knew about Clara's pregnancy.

Unfortunately, I was wrong.

Harry continued, "Well no. I don't really care about anyone except you and my son."

Quinn and Clara both gasped. Lexi, Scarlet, and Michelle groaned. Winter and Emily sighed. Diana and Kristina both sucked in ragged breaths. Amy muttered "Oh God." Asia started to hum quietly to herself, most likely to block out the outburst about to come.

"I'm sorry, WHAT?" Carter said, not believing it.

"It's true." Diana spat.

"Wait a second, IT WAS QUINN THIS WHOLE TIME?" Nathaniel yelled in frustration.

"Yep." Emily breathed.

"Whoa. Hold up. HOLD up." James said swiftly.

*Sobs* <<< WInter

"How could you do this to her?" Clara was on the verge of crying.

"Okay, I did NOT see this one coming..." Ricky said quietly.

*sad sigh* <<< Amy

"How the HELL did YOU find out?" I finally yelled.

"Wait, what?" I heard Nathaniel say from across me. "You knew?!"

"Yeah wait a second. How did any of you know?" Clara spat out.

"W-well, you see, so anyways, what do you want Harry?" Emily said nervously.

Harry sounded surprised, "Me? Why, I only want one thing. My son."

"How would you know if it's a girl or a boy? I'm not even showing yet. No one could know for another three months or so." Quinn asked suspiciously.

"Well, I must have a son. My entire family has only ever had boys. We haven't had daughters for the past 13 generations. If I were to have a daughter now, well, I'd be a disgrace to my family name." Harry said imperiously. I could practically see Quinn rolling her eyes.

"Well, you're already a disgrace. So, having a daughter won't make much of a difference." Emily said fiercely. I could hear a few others try not to laugh but fail. Miserably.

"You'll see. You'll all see. I WILL have a son. I have three things in my genes that are bound to happen: graduating secondary with honors, being tall, and having a son. BOUND to happen. "

This time around, we couldn't hold in the laughter.

"Oh honey. You might graduate with honors, but you're not tall and you have a 50% chance of having a girl." Winter said, laughing.

Harry stormed out and the rest of us were left still laughing. Unfortunately, Ryan was still there.

And, of course, someone else came in. Only this time, we actually glad to see them...


OOOOOH! Who could THAT be? Maybe someone we already know? Maybe someone new? OOOH who knows?! Wait, I do, but I'm not important! Find out next!

~Naomi :P

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