Chapter 1: The Trip Back Home

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokemon, Sunyshore, Sinnoh, Eevee, Butterfree, etc. That all belongs to Nintendo. However, I own the plot, characters, etc.

Also, before you read this book, you might want to read Mystery of the Blue Shard first, as this is the sequel to that book. Trust me, this book won't make any sense until you read the first one. This is the second book in the PMD series.

But if you have read the first book, enjoy. :)

Chapter 1: The Trip Back Home

He was running. He didn't know where he was running, but he didn't care. Two mysterious people were chasing him for who knows what reason, but it couldn't be good.

He turned a corner and hid behind a tree. "Where'd it go?" he heard one of the persuers say. They started searching for him. He could hear their foot steps. Branches being looked into, trees being kicked. That is what he heard.

"I can't find it!" said the other persuer angrily. "But that Charmander is the key! We need it!" the other one shouted.

The Charmander was him. He continued to hide behind the tree to make sure they couldn't find him. He shifted a little bit to try and see what was going on. His tail mistakenly hit the tree he was behind and it started on fire. "No!" he whispered fiercely to himself.

The two goons saw this, and, unlike normal people, who would run away, gave chase. They knew who it was, and they were not planning to lose it. The Charmander jumped out from his hiding spot and ran faster than he had ever run in his life.

But this was just the beginning.

Hey, what's up. My name is Charlie. I'm a ten-year-old boy with black hair who lives in Unova with my sister, Pecha, and my mom.

...Well, I used to, until it happened. One day I woke up in Johto as an Eevee with no logical explanation of how it had happened. My friends, Caterpie and Weedle had decided to help me get back to Unova and find out what was going on.

I know it sounds like a long shot, just seeing what would happen when I got there, but hey, I had no other choice. But then we found out about the Blue Shard, I realized that not everything was about me. We went on an epic journey to save Johto and destroy the blue shard.

We met friends. We met enemies. We met Misdreavus, who followed us the whole journey, but decided to stay in Johto. We met Ledian, a mysterious pokemon who had told us about the shard's power.

Speaking of Ledian, he had promised to tell me things about what had happened after I destroyed the shard. I had totally forgotten about that.

But back to the present. The three original members of the group were now flying on the back of our friend, Dragonite. He had offered to fly us to Unova, and I thank him for that... Except for the fact that I had some intense acrophobia.

"A-are we almost there!?" I shouted with my eyes closed tight. "Yeah, it looks like Sinnoh's just ahead!" said Beedrill happily.

"Yep! Gettin' ready to land!" said Dragonite in relief. It must've been pretty hard to fly all the way to Unova. Good thing we were taking a break in Sinnoh... For me and him.

Then Dragonite started descending. His wings started flapping faster to land. I opened my eyes to see we were almost touching the ground. When we were, I quickly got off and breathed a sigh of relief.

We were on land.

"Yay! We're here!" shouted Butterfree excitedly. Dragonite chuckled. "Gee, you sure seem a lot more rowled up since the first time we met." he said.

It was true. Butterfree was still a Metapod then, and he was about a thousand times more boring than the most boring thing there ever was. That's pretty boring, by the way.

Butterfree just shrugged. "Well, then I guess this is an exciting time." he said with a smile. Dragonite chuckled again. "I guess we should set up camp here." said Beedrill.

We had landed right beside a city. I read the sign in front. It read 'Sunyshore City'. So we were in Sunyshore City.

I was also one of the biggest pokemon maniacs around, even though I could never get one. I knew everything about where you could find pokemon, what personalities a pokemon might have, what stats a pokemon has, etc.

Later that day, when it was dark out, we decided to go to sleep. Tomorrow would be another long day.

But in a far different way than I expected.

I also had reoccuring dreams, like this one where some girl and I seemed to be searching for something, or this one where the silhouette of a pokemon suddenly came into view and jumped off a cliff. I always followed and we ended up dying at the bottom somehow.

I had that dream again. I was now in a city. It looked familiar, somehow... Sunyshore City! Then the pokemon came again, followed by two men this time, and jumped off the edge of the city. (AKA The Cliff) and I jumped with it. We both fell into the water below and slowly drowned.

I woke up abruply to find it was still dark outside. The others were lying peacefully in their grass beds, undisturbed in their sleep. I looked around. We were right by Sunyshore City, and if it happened here, then...

Suddenly, a light appeared in the distance. It came closer and closer to us. Then I saw it. A Charmander was running down the path at top speed being chased by two persuers. The persuers were dressed like... astronauts? Was it Halloween?

The Charmander zipped by me, screaming. The others all were woken up by this and looked around, confused.I gave chase to the Charmander. The two goons were gaining on him, and they didn't look like they were just playing tag.

The Charmander, chased by the goons, ran into Sunyshore City. The two people were getting really close now. To Charmanders horror, a huge cliff lay before him. The pursuers were right behind him. He jumped. I quickly jumped after him, hoping to save him.

That was when I realized that this was my dream. That Charmander was the silhouette pokemon. How did I not see it? Hold on, now was not the time for that. I'm pretty busy falling to my death right now.

But, as always, I was saved. Dragonite swooped down and picked us both up. It hurt a little as he clutched me so tightly, but anything is better than being faced with drowning. Well, besides being faced with heights.

Dragonite flew us to the top, where the two goons were still there. As they saw Dragonite, however, they didn't seem so intent on chasing the Charmander. "Whoa! A friggin' Dragonite!! It's so rare!" said one of them. The other one slapped him in the face. "Yeah, and SUPER FREAKIN' POWERFUL!! Let's get out of here!" They both ran away screaming, and with that, Charmander and I got off of Dragonite's back.

"Gee, thanks, guys." said the Charmander, relieved. I chuckled. "Heh. It was mostly Dragonite." I said back to him. He thought for a bit, then smiled. "Nice to meet you. I'm Alex."


It's the afterword... 2.0! Yeah, that's right. Book two!

So this chapter is basically review about the first book and meeting with the Charmander, Alex. By the way. Alex was a character created by the only person in the CCC who supplied a good answer for a character, FillolisiousxBabe! She said:

Cute story :D I love Pokemon~

Well, I'll add in a little characterisation to help out.

He's name's Alex probably a little older than ten years old. He has a short stature,

light brown eyes and calm turquoise eyes and pretty active and adventurous. He

has a strong sense of curiosity and loves learning new things. He'll do whatever it

takes to help a friend in need and he is a good leader. If he were to turn into a

Pokemon, it'll have to be Charmander :)

FillolisiousxBabe actually has a LOT of popular books, (A lot popular than mine, that's for sure. >:7) so you should check out her profile page. I'm sure you will have more fun there than here.

So yeah, thanks for reading and see ya later!

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Realm of Darkness [Book 2] (Series Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now