Chapter 10: The Treacherous Journey

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Chapter 10: The Budew in the Cave

Paul and Chelsea were ready to search for this Charlie now. Chelsea still wasn't sure exactly who he was, but he was apparently an Eevee who was also used to be a human. Chelsea wondered what could have happened to him. Was it Team Galactic? Something (or someone) else? Either way, no one should have to go through what they were going through.

"So I guess we just have to ask around if anyone's seen an Eevee." said Paul. Chelsea knew that this was a long shot, but it was worth a try. "Okay" she said, gaining some hope.

First they had to get out of this snow. Fast. Then there were multiple paths. It was kind of like one of those games where you choose a card, and if you're lucky that's the card you're looking for. Chelsea hated chance games.

It was time for the long, treacherous walk down the snowy path that would lead the two of them to a fork in the road, with even more paths to choose from. Yay. As they walked down the snowy path, Chelsea saw many ice type pokemon. Snover, Snorunt, Glaceon, and so many more. She really got the sense of what it was like to be one of them now, because, well, she was one of them.

It was quite cold, obviously, and Chelsea was shivering quite a bit. "Would you like my sweater?" Paul finally asked her, worried she was gonna freeze. "N-n-no. I'm f-f-fine." she stuttered. This was not true at all. "Take it." said Paul, throwing her his sweater.

The two trudged still through the snow. Both of them were freezing now, even with the sweater. They had been walking for about three hours, which is probably the reason why they both shouted, "Look!! It's the end!!" when they saw Mt. Coronet.

Chelsea ran over to the non-snowy ground and hugged it tightly. It wasn't nearly as cold here. 'Stupid cold...' she thought to herself. "Here." said Chelsea, handing over Paul's sweater to him. "Th-thanks." he said, still a little chilled.

Now another task faced the two. Mt. Coronet, a huge mountain with a dark cave running through it. "Are you sure we have to go through there?" asked Chelsea nervously. Paul shrugged. "Only until the first way out." he said, but with a hint of nervousness in his voice too. Chelsea sighed, and walked in.

It was a very dark place. Chelsea couldn't see anything at all. "Hey, you're a Budew..." said Paul in the blackness. "Try to use Flash!"

Of course! Chelsea was a Budew! She tried to use Flash, but wasn't quite sure how to perform it. "I... don't know how..." she said. Paul sighed. "Well then we'll have to travel through the dark." He took out a pokeball from his pocket. "Go, Delta!"

Chelsea couldn't see it, but the Pidgeot Delta appeared in front of Paul. "Try and work on some moves. Flying isn't so good against Rock types." said Paul to Chelsea. Chelsea nodded. "Okay."

Paul and Chelsea walked through the dark cave in silence, Chelsea stopping every once in a while to try flash. She always failed, but they kept walking. "Where are we?" asked Chelsea finally, as they had been walking for a while, with no luck.

But there was no answer. She looked to her side into the blackness, still unable to see anything. "Paul?" Still no answer. Chelsea began to panic. Would she be trapped here forever? Would she ever find a way out? She tried again to use Flash. This time, a small light sparked for a moment, but vanished the next.

Chelsea wandered through the cave, alone. She couldn't find a way out. She would be trapped forever in the darkness. Suddenly, she heard a voice. It said, "Is anybody there?"


Guess what. Afterword.

Just a short part about Paul and Chelsea. Will Chelsea ever find a way out of the cave? Will she ever learn Flash? Who is this someone who spoke to her at the end? All will be revealed in the next chapter, which I will write right now!

See ya later, Feraligatr!

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