Chapter 16: Dragonite and Patch

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Chapter 16: Dragonite and Patch

Dragonite liked this Pachirisu. Even for the first little while, as they talked about their own adventures, she seemed like a nice pokemon.

"My friends are probably lost right now, without me." said Dragonite sadly. "I don't know, I just feel like I have to help everyone..." Pachirisu smiled. "I'm sure they're fine, by what you've told me. Say, who exactly were they?" she asked.

Dragonite looked up. "There was an Eevee named Charlie, a Butterfree, a Beedrill, a Budew, and a Charmander named Alex. I just wish I could help them..." he sighed. Pachirisu looked wide-eyed at him. "Who!?" she shouted.

"An Eevee named-" Pachirisu shook her head. "I mean the last one!" Dragonite frowned. "A Charmander named Alex. Why?" he asked. "What's wrong, Patch?"

Pachirisu had never heard this nickname, but she didn't care. Was this the Charmander they were talking about? The key?

"Err... Nothing." lied Pachirisu. "I just... thought I heard you say something else." Dragonite looked confused, but shrugged it off. "Uh... Well, it's night already, so we should be moving. Want a ride?" Patch shook her head.

A few minutes later, they were soaring through the air. Dragonite still wasn't sure why his wing was working. Actually, he wasn't sure how it had been broken in the first place. He hadn't really been working it that hard.

But that didn't matter at the time, because Patch still looked a mess. She must've been able to hide her hunger and thirst pretty well. Then Dragonite saw a lake.

"Let's go and get some water." he said to his Pachirisu friend. She nodded, and Dragonite began to dive.

They touched down, and Patch quickly ran to the water. She was really thirsty. "I'll go find some berries for us. Just... don't get caught." said Dragonite. Patch nodded. "I'll try."

Dragonite walked into away from the Pachirisu towards some trees in search for some berries. He walked past tree after tree, checking each one thoroughly to see if any food hung from it. Finally he found one. A Bluk berry, he thought. But then something made him jump.

'Dragonite!' shouted a female voice in his head. "What the!?" Dragonite gasped. "Oh, it's you. You can talk to me in my head?" he asked Misdreavus.

'That doesn't matter right now. Where are you?' she asked Dragonite. He looked around. "I'm near a lake, somewhere by Snowpoint City... Charlie would know."

Dragonite didn't see it, but Misdreavus smiled. 'Thanks, Dragonite. Charlie wanted to know where you were. I'll talk to you again sometime soon.' she thought-spoke.

"Alright then." said Dragonite. "I hoped you would explain things though." Misdreavus sighed, but said, 'Charlie and his friends wanted to look for you. Who are all there, anyways?'

"A Charmander, a Budew, and the trio." replied Dragonite. "I don't know if they should look for me though. What if Team Galactic gets them?" Misdreavus paused. 'Okay, could you please explain the situation a little bit?' she finally said.

Dragonite told her all about what had happened during their time in Sinnoh. All the friends, enemies, paths, escapes, break out, and everything else. Misdreavus paused again. 'Then I suppose it's the others' choice' she said to Dragonite.

Dragonite nodded. "Yeah, I suppose. Just... warn them, okay?" Misdreavus nodded from Johto. 'Will do.' And with that, there was silence.

Dragonite had six berries when he came back. It was still dark out, but soon enough, it would be day. "We should find a hiding place." he said to the Pachirisu, who was sitting by the lake. She turned. "Yes. We should." she replied.

The two concealed themselves in a bunch of trees for the day. Dragonite simply hoped that Team Galactic wouldn't find them, but if they did, they would have to get through him first.

It was quiet under the tree, and Patch looked so peaceful. Dragonite broke a large leaf off of the tree and covered her with it. No one deserved to die. Especially not a friend.


Awwwwwwww.... Heart-warming, isn't it? Anyways, what's going on with Patch? Why do you think she acted so strange at the mention of Dragonite's friend, Alex? Why does Dragonite already have a nickname for the Pachirisu? Find out... later!

Also, the CCC is still running. Not gonna stop until the end of this book. Nope. Submit some characters!

I have pretty much figured out how everything in this series is going to work. There will be a [SPOILER] for each [SPOILER]. Then after [SPOILER] is done there'll be [SPOILER].

Aren't you excited for that? Good. Anyways, bye!

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Realm of Darkness [Book 2] (Series Discontinued)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum