Chapter 17: Acuity Disaster

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Chapter 17: Actuity Disaster

"What's taking her so long?" It was already getting dark out, and I was starting to worry about Misdreavus. We had talked this morning.

"I'm sure she's just busy." said Beedrill. Chelsea nodded. "Yeah, I'm sure she's fine." I wasn't convinced, though.

"Busy doing what?" I said. "Fighting Machamp? Escaping from a prison? Dying!?" Paul came over to me. "I know that she's fine. I'm sure of it."

I sighed. I still felt nervous for her. Why did she have to make me worry so much? I was going to kill her if she came back...

'Boo!' I jumped. "Misdreavus! I thought that you'd never come back! What took you so long!?"

There was a pause. 'I just had some... other things to take care of first.' Misdreavus said finally. I frowned, but shook it off. "Anyway, where's Dragonite?" I asked her.

'A lake near Snowpoint City. I'm sure you'll know where.' replied Misdreavus. I nodded. "Lake Acuity." Of course I knew that.

'All right, you do whatever you want, but Dragonite is being hunted, so be careful.' said Misdreavus. 'Anyway, I've got some... things to do. Bye.'

"Wait!" I shouted, but Misdreavus had already left.

"How is he?" asked Alex, probably still guilty about the first time they had met. "He's at Lake Acuity." I replied. "Scavenging for food, probably. He's being hunted."

Beedrill sighed. "Well, let's go. No need to waste time. We've got to get to Dragonite before the hunters do." Everyone nodded.

It only took a couple of minutes to get there, as it was literally right beside Snowpoint City. We got through Acuity Lakefront and were right at Lake Acuity easily, without any disturbabce. Who would want to go out in this weather anyway?

Apparently, this lake was all but peaceful.

As we entered, I saw, to my horror, a giant black hand. But it wasn't after us. It was chasing something else. A squirrel-like pokemon. "Help!" it shouted at the sight of us. I was frozen, still trying to take in what I was seeing.

Dragonite, who I hadn't noticed before, tried to swoop down and grab the Pachirisu. The black hand swatted him out of the way, and he was slammed to the ground. Finally I dashed out and tried to stop this hand. I tried to Bite it, but I went straight through the shadowy object and landed on my face.

"What is going on here!?!" shouted one of my friends. I couldn't hear who it was, as the dark hand was starting to make a loud growl. I looked up to see my friends attacking the thing, while the Pachirisu was nowhere to be seen.

Then a low, earth-shaking voice filled the air. "YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE. NO ONE WILL. I WILL RETURN TO THE EARTH." it said. The hand slowly retracted into the ground, and soon disappeared from sight.

There was a long pause of eerie silence, when finally Beedrill broke it. "What... What just happened?" he said quietly. No one answered.

Then I remembered Dragonite. I ran over to him. "Wake up, Dragonite! Are you all right?" I asked him. He didn't respond. I put one of my long ears to his chest. His heart was still beating, he was just knocked unconsious. "He's okay, guys..."

"But... Who was that pokemon?" asked Beedrill. "And just what was that thing?" said Alex. Everyone shook their heads uncertainly. "That hand... didn't we see it in the Galactic base?" Butterfree finally asked.

Everyone thought for a moment, and then nodded. "Yeah... And that thing in Mt. Coronet... What if that was also the hand?" said Paul. I translated. "You know... That might be right!" shouted Butterfree.

I heard a cough. Everyone turned in the direction of the sound. It was the Pachirisu, standing awkwardly by some trees, just having come out of her hiding place. "Um... Hi." she said. I nodded. "Hey."

Then she saw Dragonite. She gasped. "Is he alright?" asked the squirrel-pokemon concernedly. I nodded again. "He's just unconsious. He'll wake up. Who are you?"

The Pachirisu hesitated for a moment. "Patch." she said after a while. "Nice to meet you, Patch." replied Paul. I was about to start translating when Patch said, "Thanks, you too."

Everyone stared at her. "Oh, I had a trainer. His name was Lace. Lace Matticag" I frowned at the strange name, but realized it must be of some other origin.

"Are you a friend of Dragonite's?" asked Chelsea. Patch nodded. "We were about to leave when that thing attacked us. Speaking of leaving, it's getting light out. We should go and hide." Everyone agreed. Except for Beedrill.

"No," he said, "I say we stop running away from our problems. Let's face them." Butterfree shook his head. "We'd be outnumbered a million to one, Beedrill." Beedrill sighed. "I suppose you're right."

"Hey, guys?" said Patch. Everyone looked at her. "I... I have to get to Oreburgh City. I live there, and I left something really important there." I nodded. "Could you guys... Could you help me get there?"

We were surprised that she had asked this of us. We had just met, and she already wanted our help? On the other hand, she did seem helpless. Back to the other hand, Dragonite could easily do something like this. Back to the second hand, Dragonite might be really weak. Besides, we couldn't rely on him for everything, right?

"Sure, let's go." said Paul finally. "But first let's let Dragonite get some rest, and make a shelter for the night." The others shrugged. "Yeah, Oreburgh City is pretty close to Canalave City anyway, right?" I said. "Yeah. Sure." said Beedrill.

"Awesome! Thanks, guys!" said our new Pachirisu friend. She ran up to us each and hugged us. "I'm glad you can help!"

But our seemingly simple journey to the city was going to be more dangerous than we thought


Hey, guys! A lot happened in this chapter, so happy Plot Evolution Day! Who exactly is this Pachirisu friend? Apparently, she trusts the gang, so that's good for them. And her.

I'd like to take this time to remind you of the CCC. Create some awesome characters, people, and they will be put into my magical notepad of character ideas. (AKA my iPod) We have one submission so far, and I thank that person for commenting a lot. You should too. And vote. But only if you like this story.

Also, if you have Pokemon Black or White, than you're in luck, because from some date that's already passed 'til March 6th, you can get Mewtwo via mystery gift! I just had to throw that out there, because who wants to miss getting quite possibly the most powerful pokemon ever?

I'd also like to say that I'm on twitter now, so follow my tweets @awesomeshadow11.

But until next time, good bye, and good readings.

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