Chapter 8: The Misadventures of Chelsea and Paul

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Chapter 8: The Misadventures of Chelsea and Paul

Paul smiled as the wind blew into his face. His Pidgeot, Delta, flew gracefully through the air. The ride to Sinnoh would be a long one, but it didn't matter. Paul shouldn't have left his friend. What was he thinking, just letting him wander off like that.

Delta and Paul ended up in Snowpoint City, which was not where Paul would choose to land, but it was the first bit of land he had seen in days. Good thing he brought a sweater.

It was still early in the morning, and Paul was ready to search. He would go up to a couple of people and ask things like, "Have you seen an Eevee?" or, "Furry dog pokemon?" but everyone would say something like, "No, sorry." but Paul kept searching.

Soon he had covered all of Snowpoint City, with no luck. He ventured onto the path leading out of the village. It was so peaceful with all the pokemon there. Snover could be seen running around. Snorunt played in the snow. Everything was peaceful, but one thing caught Paul's eye.

One grass type pokemon, a Budew, was slowly trudging through the snow. It looked as though it was freezing. Paul quickly hurried over to it. He took off his sweater and wrapped it around the freezing pokemon. The Budew looked terrible. It shut its eyes slowly, and drifted into unconsiousness.

Chelsea woke to find she was in some sort of small room. A hotel room, perhaps. She looked around to find that a boy about 15 years old making something in the kitchen. He turned around. "Oh, hi! Good to see you're finally awake!" he shouted happily.

Chelsea opened her mouth to speak, but then remembered that she couldn't speak english anymore. "What's wrong? Tell me." said the boy. Chelsea looked confused at the boy, but finally asked, "Can you understand me?" not knowing why he would ask her that question.

The boy looked surprised. "Woah... Yeah, but how do you understand me!?" he asked, confusedly. Chelsea wanted to speak, but she didn't know how to explain it. "You first." she said.

The boy just shrugged. "I don't know, I was born with it." he said. "But seriously, how?" Chelsea thought of what to say. "I was kidnapped..." she decided lamely.

The boy frowned. "Kidnapped by who? And how does that give you the ability to understand english?" Chelsea knew that this boy wouldn't believe her, but she explained anyways. "Team Galactic kidnapped me. They had this machine... They... they threw me into it, and..."

The boy cut in. "Wait, what!?" he shouted. "What machine!? Do you mean-?" His eyes went wide. "You too?" he asked. Chelsea wasn't sure what he meant. "What?" she asked. "Someone else was turned pokemon!" the boy replied. "His name was Charlie! Do you know of him?"

Chelsea thought for a moment. "No, I don't." she said. "Well we have to find him. You two might have something in common." the boy said back. "It's Paul, by the way." he added. "Chelsea."

After a bit of 'get to know' questions, the two went out of the room and out of a building, which seemed to be an apartment building. "I saw you freezing out here, so I rented a room just so you wouldn't be cold." said Paul.

Paul had offered to lend Chelsea his sweater, but Chelsea refused. Paul began to notice Chelsea shivering, and gave her his sweater anyways.

The two began their own journey, as Charlie and friends continued on theirs.


Guess what time it is! It's the afterword! Yay! *cheers*

So yeah, basically that Paul guy found this Chelsea chic and they start their own mini journey. Will they find Charlie and his friends? Probably. Will they find a cure? Possibly. :) For now, let's call it a day. Or night, whatever time you're reading this.

Goooooooooooooood bye!

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