Chapter 13: Revenge

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Chapter 13: Revenge

That night, everyone was going to break through the back window and make as little noise as possible. Yes, I know that it wasn't a very good plan, but nothing else ever seems to work, so why not?

First, we needed to get back to that machine Chelsea was talking about. If it could turn people into pokemon, maybe it could turn pokemon into people. It was worth a try, and I really hoped I was right.

So when the night came, everyone gathered outside the back window of the disguised base. Dragonite nodded, and jumped up at the window. "AAHHHRRGH!!!" he shouted, trying to flap his wing. "Oh right... Can't fly..." he mumbled.

Dragonite climbed the wall and silently broke the window. "Come on." he whispered. Everyone else climbed the brick wall and went through the window. "If anything goes wrong, I'll come." whispered Dragonite. "Same with me." said Paul from below. Everyone nodded.

Chelsea led the way through the corridors, as she remembered them the most, even if it was just vaguely. "I think it's this way." she said at a two way fork in the road. Everyone followed silently. After a while, I began to think Chelsea had no idea where she was going, but she soon stopped. "This is the room." she whispered.

Inside the room was many gadgets and machines. It was an entire laboratory in this huge place. "How do they fit all of this inside of this one little house?" I asked. Everyone shrugged, unsure. "The machine is at the back of this room." whispered Chelsea.

And the room was huge. It was about five minutes of walking to get to the end. "This is the machine!" said Chelsea, stopping at a large machine. It was a cylinder shape and it had glass doors and a small control panel to the side.

But at that moment, an alarm sounded. "Oh no! They found us!" shouted Chelsea with a tear in her eye. She did not want to know what those people would do to her. Neither did I. "Let's get out of here!" shouted Butterfree, but it was already too late. A guard had come through the door and spotted us. "I found the intruders!" he shouted.

Some more guards came through the entrance and started throwing out some pokemon. We were instantly surrounded. Where was Jace when we needed him?

But just then, a Hyper Beam was fired from the entrance at all of the guards. They all tried to jump to the side, but were still hit by the large beam. "Dragonite!" I shouted at the sight of him. "We came as soon as we could." said Paul beside him. Delta flew happily in the air next to them.

But more guards were coming through the door. There were just too many of them. "Stop, now!" a guard shouted at Paul, but Paul just ordered a Peck on that guard. "That's for Chelsea!" he shouted.

At that, Chelsea seemed to gain some courage, as she ran up to the guards and used Absorb. It seemed way more powerful than a normal Absorb, and everyone fell to the ground. Chelsea was left there standing with a 'What just happened?' look on her face.

No more guards came. Instead, they just lined up in the hallway outside of the door, as if they were waiting for someone. Butterfree, Beedrill and I walked up to get a closer look. What we saw was a tall man wearing a black cape. He had blue, spiky hair and looked very important... and evil. "Hello." he said to Paul.

Paul frowned. "What do you want with me?" he asked the important-looking man. He closed his eyes for a brief moment, then opened them. "I am Rosk, the leader of Team Galactic." he said darkly. Paul raised his eyebrows at this. "What do you want?" he asked again.

"I have heard of you and your... ability." said Rosk quietly. Paul frowned again. "So what?" he said, not wanting anything to do with Team Galactic. Rosk pointed at Chelsea. "That is what. You know too much." he said.

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