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Note: Altough this book is marked as complete, I plan to edit this epilogue, as I wrote it while I was very tired. Maybe I'll do it tomorrow. Anyhow, toodloo.


Everyone stood solemnly as we watched the caskets holding Alex and Chelsea lower down into the ground. All of us, including Anne and even Patch, were at a Pokemon burial site just outside of Oreburgh City.

Everyone had been informed of what had all happened during our time in the portal and outside of it. Everyone was sad to hear the news of Chelsea.

Now here we were, all teary-eyed, watching as our two dead friends got lowered into their graves. Even the workers here were shedding some tears. It was just so sad to see them go. And Chelsea had her whole human life to live... Her parents didn't even know.

And now they never would, because no one knew who they were. At this thought I let some more tears break loose.

But no one was as sad as Chimchar. He hadn't lost just a friend... but also his own trainer.

"They were both great friends..." said Paul. Everyone nodded. Paul continued. "It always seemed like they were always trying to... brighten up the day... literally..." Everyone nodded.

"And even though they are not physically with us right now..." said Paul. He stopped for a moment. "They will always be with us... in our hearts." he said, and then started to sob.

We all put our heads down for Chelsea.

We were now at the dock in Canalave City. I was ready to go, and it was time for everyone to say their goodbyes.

"I guess you have to go back now." Butterfree said to me. I nodded. I had to go back to Unova now. It was finally time to go see my family, and go back home.

"As much as I'd like to come with, I really have to take care of Bonsly and Patch, and I don't think it's a great idea for them to travel too much right now." said Paul. Bonsly and Patch were staying with him to recover, as they were both pretty weak.

"And I suppose you don't need me if you're taking a boat." said Dragonite. "I'll be back in Johto if you need me."

"I... want to go back to the forest." said Chimchar slowly. "I just... I think... It only seems right."

I nodded to Chimchar, and then turned my attention to my initial friends. "Butterfree... Beedrill... Are you sure you want to come with? I mean, look what's happened here in Sinnoh..." I warned them.

"Of course, Charlie!" said Butterfree. Beedrill smiled. "You're our friend, remember? We help you with stuff like this!" he said.

I smiled in return. "Thanks guys. You're awesome... All of you."

Then I remembered L's words once again. 'I will tell you something about what happened to you.' Should I go back to Tohjo Falls to ask him about everything? Or was he even to be trusted? Well, he was my only lead...

"Wait..." I said to some confused looks. "I want to go to Tohjo Falls first." Even more confused looks.

"Look, L is my only lead in this case. If I pass up on his offer, I may never find out what happened." I said to my friends.

"Well, if you want to do that, you'll have to catch that boat to Kanto that's leaving RIGHT NOW." said Paul, pointing to a boat that was already leaving.

"WHA!!! WAIT!!! WAIT FOR ME!!!" I shouted, running off towards the boat. Of course, I didn't make it in time.

"Great, now I'll have to wait for the next boat... All those goodbyes for nothing!" I said.

"Not necessarily." said Dragonite. "Climb on my back, you three." I smiled, but it was soon wiped off my face at the thought of flying.

"Come on, Charlie. Trust me." said Dragonite. I sighed, and reluctantly got on. So did Butterfree. "I'll fly on my own, thanks." said Beedrill.

"Get on." said Dragonite. Beedrill groaned. "Fine."

We were on now, and ready to go. "Let's catch that boat." said Dragonite with a smile. I smiled back.

And we were off. "See you guys!! All of you!!" I shouted as we flew. There were many "Goodbyes" and farewells to be said as we got farther away from the land.

Dragonite flew up next to the side of the boat where no people were at the time. "You can get off now." said Dragonite, and we did as he said.

When we were all on the boat, Dragonite spoke to us. "Try and hide somewhere. Humans won't like uninvited guests aboard their ship. Trust me, I know."

I wondered how he would know, but I just smiled. "Thank you, Dragonite. Goodbye."

"Goodbye, Dragonite." said Beedrill.

"See you, Dragonite!" said Butterfree.

"Goodbye, you guys. Have a safe trip, and a good time in Kanto." said Dragonite with one last smile. He flew off, and we watched him until I couldn't see him anymore.

I had a sort of bittersweet feeling, seeing him fly away. He had helped us through so much, but I knew that all in all, I was one step closer to my goal.


Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Realm of Darkness [Book 2] (Series Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now