Chapter 21: Memories and Loss

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Chapter 21: Memories and Loss

I decided not to tell the others about my meeting with Jace. They would just want to help me, and I was already asking too much of them. Besides, I doubt I could do it in my state.

I sat silently once again in the Floaroma Meadows. Moments ago they made me think of what I held dear, but now they made me think of what I'd lost.

Sometimes I remember the times when my dad would come home and visit, telling me all about what he'd been lately. Those were good times...

"One girl, she barely even knew how to battle! A pretty easy victory for your daddy, I'll bet, huh Charlie?"

"You bet!"

"She'll get better eventually, though, I'm sure. Maybe you'll battle trainers just like her when you get older..."

Why did he have to leave? What was chasing him? I shook these thoughts away. I would find out soon enough.

I walked around the town for a while, sorting out my thoughts on Jace. Should I still trust him? Or was he playing some kind of sick game?

"Oh, hello." said a voice right beside me. I jumped. "Whoa, uh... Hey, Chelsea. What are you doing?" She tried to shrug, but failed. "Oh, you know. Just wandering a bit. Looking. Thinking."

"And what would you be thinking about?" I asked somewhat curiously. She did another fail-shrug. "Just stuff." she said.

I nodded. "I've been doing some thinking myself." I said. Chelsea blinked. "What have you been thinking about?"

I smiled a bit. "You first." Chelsea sighed. "Well, I mean... Being a Budew is just so... hard. I'm completely helpless..." I understood her. I'd read all about pre-basic Pokemon. They aren't very strong, and need lots of caring.

"I'm sure we'll find a way to-" I started, but Chelsea cut me off. "Charlie! Do you actually believe we'll find a way to turn back? I don't think even Team Galactic knows how!" she spat out.

I sighed. "Chelsea, we just have to deal with it and have fun, no matter what. We have to make the best of it. I lost my father at a very young age..." I stopped for a second at the thought of Jace's conversation with me, but shook it off. "...I learned to deal with it. Sometimes, you just have to let things go."

Suddenly, an earsplitting scream came from over by the Meadows. A woman came from that direction and screamed, "There's a monster in the meadows!!"

I looked confused at Chelsea, who returned the look. "Let's go check it out!" I said. She nodded, and we ran off.

When we got there, I saw what I hadn't wanted to see for a long time. A giant hand seemingly made of shadow. The same one from before.

"What does it want!?" I shouted over the noise the hand was making. (best described as an earsplitting scream combined with the sound of a tornado) "I don't know," Chelsea shouted back, "but I think it remembers us! Look!"

The hand was moving along the ground at us, reaching out and trying to grab us. "Run!" I shouted, and we did. The hand did too. It gained speed until it was going faster than us.

"It's gaining on us!!" panicked Chelsea, running as fast as she could. Just then, Butterfree's voice rang through the muffled air. "You don't hurt my friends!!"

I looked back to see a trash bin being tossed at the hand with Confusion. Unfortunately, it passed straight through it. "Oops." said Butterfree.

Butterfree flew up right above us and said, "Grab on!" I immediately did as told, but Chelsea kept running. "I DON'T HAVE ARMS!!!" she shouted. Butterfree's eyes widened. "Oops..."

Finally, the hand caught up. It picked up Chelsea. "HELP ME!!! LET GO!!!" she screamed. "Chelsea!!" Butterfree and I shouted together. The hand lowered back into the ground, dragging Chelsea with it.

They disappeared.

"NO!!!!!" I shouted at the ground. "NO NO NO NO NO!!!" Butterfree looked at me concernedly. "Charlie," he said, "she's gone."

I looked at the ground. Butterfree was right. She was gone. There was nothing I could do about it. I just had to deal with it.

For the first time in a while, I cried. I felt so bad for her. I don't know why, but I felt like it was my fault. I don't know how long I cried, but Butterfree stayed there with me, also with tears in his eyes.

I finally ran out of tears. I still stayed there, staring at the ground. It was nice to have a good cry once in a while. My friend was one, though, and I had to tell the others.

"Hey... Hey guys? I have to... I have to tell you something!!"


>:) Hehehehehehehehehehehehehe...

Don't forget the CCC!! Create a character to be put in book 3, and you get a dedication. That is to say, if you win. Remember to include things such as name, age, personality, species, etc. Even if you don't include everything, It'll still count, so gimme submissions!

See you next time. I hope you had a ton of fun reading this chapter, and I hope you're sad, because someone DIED, you jerk! Just kidding. Vote if you liked. Comment too. Maybe even a good comment, if you're in a good mood.


Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Realm of Darkness [Book 2] (Series Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora