Chapter 24: Oreburgh Ravine

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Chapter 24: Oreburgh Ravine

Everyone was awake. We all got ready to traverse the final path of our journey. The road to Oreburgh City. After that, I could finally go back home.

Actually, I had been thinking for a while... L (the Ledian) had told me that after we destroyed the Blue Shard, he would tell me about what all happened to me before I became an Eevee.

I had been considering going back to Tohjo Falls after we got Patch home so I could ask him about it, but all in all, I suppose I didn't have to worry about at the time.

We were soon on the path to Oreburgh City. Everything looked peaceful, although the air felt somehow... ominous. As if something bad was going to happen. I didn't like it.

"Well, it looks... rocky." said Alex. It was definitely true. The city looked a bit like the stone age, what with everything being built upon rocks. The only things to distinguish it from the stone age were the buildings and the coal mine. And the fact that I didn't see an Aerodactyl flying overhead.

"Which way, Patch?" asked Paul. She pointed to the left, and so we started walking.

Was it just me, or did it already seem to be getting darker outside? I shrugged it off, as it was probably just the clouds. Oh wait, there wasn't a cloud in sight.

"Does anyone notice it getting... darker outside?" I asked. Everyone nodded. "Something is wrong here..." said Chimchar.

As we continued what should have been a short walk- although it felt as if it lasted an eternity- Patch got progressively more fidgety. The air was extremely tense for what should've been a simple task.

Finally, we came to the entrance of a ravine. The rocks towered from either side of it, making me feel small compared to the rest of the world. "It's in here." said Patch.

I'm pretty sure everyone was confused. "You live in a ravine?" asked Dragonite. Patch nodded. Dragonite shrugged and we continued walking.

Suddenly Patch turned. "Wait... Dragonite, you should stay here." Dragonite looked puzzled. "Why? I'm not physically impaired, and it can't be that long of a walk anyway." he said. Patch sighed. "Look, I just think you should stay here because... well..."

Dragonite's eyes narrowed. "What, do you not see me as your friend?" he asked. Patch went wide-eyed. "What, no!! I mean, yes!! Of course I do, Dragonite, I just-"

But Dragonite cut her off. "Just what? Do you really not want me here? Do you just... not care about anything we've been through?"

"Wha... No!!!" shouted Patch. Dragonite turned around. "If you want me gone so badly... Then I'll just leave."

As he started to walk away, everyone seemed too stunned to move. What just happened? Did he really just walk away from her? Why did she even want him to stay back in the first place?

Finally I was drawn back to the real world. "Wait, Dragonite, where are you going?!" I shouted after him. "Away. Clearly you guys don't want me here." he said back.


"What just happened?" said Alex confusedly. "Let's... just keep going." said Patch. Everyone stared at her for a bit, and reluctantly started following her as she started moving again.

All I can say was, Dragonite was definitely wrong about how long the walk was going to be. As we progressed, the sky got darker, and some Pokemon started attacking us. We all started to notice that we were going pretty deep into this ravine. Too deep.

"How much farther is it?" asked Beedrill, finally breaking the silence. "It's just a little bit farther." replied Patch.

Then we reached a part of the ravine where the top was closed off and it kind of became a cave. Beedrill stopped. "What's wrong, Beedrill?" asked Paul and I simultaneously. "No," he said, "something is really, really wrong."

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Realm of Darkness [Book 2] (Series Discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora