Chapter 15: Old Friends

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Chapter 15: Old Friends

We all decided to go to sleep, as we hadn't slept in at least a day. Paul happily invited us to his hotel room to stay, and found beds for all of us.

I laid my head down on the soft couch. Tomorrow, we would do some planning, right after I told everyone about Jace. My drowsiness took over and I fell asleep.

"Do you really think it's here?" asked Jay. I shrugged. "There's no other place for it to hide, is there?" The two of us walked into the cave.

I awoke to much noisiness. Through my blurred vision, it seemed Chelsea was setting up a meeting. I was right. She must've really taken this Jace thing into consideration.

"Oh, hey Charlie." she said. "Everyone's ready to hear it." Chelsea smiled. I rolled my eyes.

"You are making such a big deal out of this..." I said to her. "Fine." I explained everything about how Jace kept talking to me in my head, and how he had shown himself in person, and everything else.

"I'm still not quite sure who he is, though, but-" I said, but was cut off by a voice in my head. It was a female voice that sounded very familiar. 'Hello, Charlie.'

"Who are...?" I started, but then I remembered. The voice belonged to Misdreavus. "Misdreavus! How did you... How are you talking to me?" I asked her.

'Well, I've been flying around Johto since you left, and let me say, It's WAY better than that stupid forest.' replied Misdreavus. 'Anyways, I found this Gengar at Tohjo Falls, and he's really nice, actually. He's teaching me some ghost tricks.'

"Charlie?" said Alex. I turned to him. "Hold on, Misdreavus." I said, and then spoke to Alex. "Misdreavus is a friend from Johto. She learned how to talk to me in my head." I said to him.

'Who are you talking to?' asked Misdreavus. "Some friends." I replied. "Hey... Can you do multiple peop- er... pokemon at once?" Misdreavus giggled. 'Of course!'

Just then, Beedrill and Butterfree jumped as Misdreavus said 'Boo!' The two of them looked around. "Misdreavus!?" they said together.

I chuckled. "Awesome. Say, what else have you been doing lately? Have you been... missing me?" I asked Misdreavus. 'In every possible way, Charlie. I've just been traveling, really.' she replied.

"Missing you?" asked Butterfree. I blushed. "Just, uh... normal missing, Butterfree." I said to him. Butterfree smirked. "Whatever you say, then."

I rolled my eyes. "Anyways, can you talk to everyone here, Misdreavus?" I asked. 'Let me try...' she said back.

'Can everyone hear me?' she asked a couple seconds later. Everyone jumped and said, "Yes!" I laughed. "Great, now do you think that there's any way to find Dragonite or Team Glactic?" I asked Misdreavus.

'I don't know... I can probably just ask Dragonite where he is. I think asking around would be your best hope for Team Galactic.' she replied. I nodded, but remembered she couldn't see that. "Good. Do that."

Then Butterfree butted in. "Misdreavus, might I ask, are you and Charlie in looooooooove?" he asked with a grin. I blushed again. There was a short pause. 'I don't know about Charlie, but... Anyways, I've gotta go... to do that... thing... Bye.'

Then there was silence. "Well, that was... not what I expected." said Butterfree. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah," I said, "me neither."


Hello! Sorry AGAIN for the short chapter. But on to some other things, I'm holding another CCC. (Character Creation Contest) It'll be the same as last time, so let's get some good characters goin'!

If you DON'T remember how the CCC works, all you do is say the character's name, personality, race, (Human or Pokemon (also which species of pokemon)) appearance, and gender. Then you're done! For example:

Name: Kevin

Personality: He always tries to act cool, but he's pretty brain-dead. He tends to solve his problems with violence.

Race: Pokemon (Machamp)

Appearance: How a Machamp usually looks, except he has a red scarf.

Gender: Oh, gee, I don't know. -_-

So yeah, I hope you're enjoying the story so far, and I hope I made the right choice in deleting those crap chapters I wrote. (Oh, trust me, I did)

Sheeya latah!

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Realm of Darkness [Book 2] (Series Discontinued)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora