Chapter 12: Back Down the Snowy Path

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Chapter 12: Back Down the Snowy Path

Rosk sat quietly in his chair. Apparently, someone had stolen some blueprints for one of Team Galactic's newest machines. That machine was essential to their plan, and someone had stolen it.

That someone was obviously the scientist from Team Plasma, Dr. Wallogurts. Rosk got angrier just by thinking of him. How could Burgenbell be so careless?

Rosk pressed a button on his desk and spoke into the mic. "Everyone into the assembly room. Now." he said darkly. He got up from his desk and started walking to the destination. Everyone he passed said nothing to him. Good. He wouldn't have to kill them yet.

He walked into the assembly room, where a crowd of people stood at attention facing the front. Rosk took his place at on the stage at front. "Albert Bellenburg." he said simply, and the scientist walked up to the stage. "Yes, sir?" he said.

Rosk closed his eyes for a moment. "It has come to my attention that an outsider has stolen from our supplies." he said. "Yes, sir." said Bellenburg. Rosk's eyes were still closed. "And it has come to my attention that you were the one that brought this outsider in." he said, taking hold of a knife. There was a pause. "Y-yes sir." replied Bellenburg reluctantly.

Rosk opened his eyes and thrust the knife forward. It penetrated through Bellenburg's skin. Rosk pulled the knife from his body and let the scientist fall to the ground. "No one is to ever bring anyone other than prisoners into my base!!" shouted Rosk to a chorus of, "Yes, sir!" He waved his hand dismissively. "Let this be a warning to you."

Our group of seven had finally gotten out of the cave. Paul had given Butterfree a Revive and now we faced a cold trail. We had to walk the entire way, and no one was happy about it. "Can't Chelsea learn Sunny Day?" I said. She sighed. "I had enough trouble with Flash." she said. "Yeah, and Sunny Day is pretty hard to learn." said Paul.

Everyone huddled around Alex's tail for warmth. Alex said it was fine, but he looked uncomfortable. I had fur, so I was fine.  Paul wore a sweater, so he was fine. Alex practically had a fire burning inside of him, so he he was fine. The others, however, were not fine.

"You can take it." said Paul, holding out a sweater. Alex pushed it away. "No, really. It's fine." he said in discomfort. Paul shrugged and kept walking. I felt a kind of sorry for Alex. Dragonite tried to look like he didn't need anything, but he gradually got closer and closer to Alex. The other three were not so good with fire, so they were very cautious around Alex.

But then a very loud roar came from some trees. Everyone snapped their heads in that direction. Out jumped a very angry looking Abomisnow. "There you are!!" it shouted at us, obviously confused.

It charged into a tree, making it even angrier. "Stop doing that!!" it shouted. It shook its head and looked at us. Its confusion was over. "Now you'll pay!!" shouted the Abomisnow. I tried to reason with it. "Hey, we didn't-" But it charged at us. Everyone jumped to the side.

I used Take Down and hit the Abomisnow dead on. "AAARRGHH!!!" It shouted in pain. Paul sent out his Pidgeot, who he had said was named Delta. "Use Gust!" he shouted. Delta flapped his wings hard and shot a blast of wind at the Abomisnow. It flew back and hit another tree. Alex quickly used Flamethower, which hit Abomisnow and gave it a burn.

"Stop!!" it shouted, charging at Chelsea. She looked terrified. She concentrated and tried to use a move. Just before Abomisnow hit her, she managed to use Absorb. Unfortunately, the Abomisnow still hit Chelsea, and she was knocked unconsious.

Butterfree quickly used Sleep Powder to put it to sleep. "Come on, guys! Finish it!" he shouted at us.

Everyone attacked at the same time. I used Bite, Butterfree used Confusion, Beedrill used Bug Bite, Delta used Gust, and Dragonite used Dragon Rush. We all hit at the same time, causing Abomisnow to be knocked out. "Phew... We did it." said Beedrill, relieved.

Paul took another Revive from his pocket and touched Chelsea with it. She slowly got up. "What happened...?" she asked, but then remembered the fight. "Oh, uh... Sorry. I'm not very good at attacks yet..." I chuckled. "That's fine. You pretty much just became a pokemon." I said.

Chelsea looked down. "Yeah..." she said sadly. I walked over to her. "Don't worry. We'll find a cure." I said quietly. She nodded. "Let's go." she said.

With the Abomisnow hopefully out of the way, we started down the path again. The small amount of trainers we passed all thought that we were Paul's pokemon, so no one bothered to try and catch me or Dragonite, which was good.

The seven of us finally made it to Snowpoint City, and nothing looked out of the ordinary to me. "I'll show you where the base is." said Chelsea.

She lead us all to the Team Galactic base, which looked just like an ordinary house. "Are you sure that's it?" asked Alex unsurely. Chelsea nodded. "Okay, but how do we get in?" I asked. Everyone thought for a moment. "You know what? Let's wing it." said Dragonite. "That always seems to work." Everyone shrugged. (except for me) It did always seem to work, and there didn't seem to be any ways to sneak into this place, so why not?

It was time for revenge.


It's the... You know what, I'm not even gonna do an afterword today.


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