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Thanks for reading the second book in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series!

Charlie's adventure has been a wild one, but it's not nearly over. Charlie is going to Kanto just to find out more about himself, but he will find something much more than just that.

The Character Creation Contest is, of course, closed until the chosen character is put into PMD3. Sorry, folks. You've had your chance. :)

The third book, which doesn't yet have a name, is pretty much figured out, so it shouldn't take a long time to get it started. I'll post a link to the third book, along with its name, here when it comes out.

(UPDATE: PMD3 is now out! It's called "Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Shadow's Servant". To find it, just go to my profile or search it up. I'm pretty sure no other stories have that name)

Or better yet, just become a fan of me for instant updates on what I post, because all I post is this, and someday other Pokemon stories, and you obviously came here for Pokemon, so... It's a win-win situation! Go ahead! Do it! Click that ol' fan button!

Stay tuned for PMD3, people.

See you later, Feraligatr.


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