Chapter 11: Finding Friends

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Chapter 11: Finding Friends

"I... I mean, like she hardly even looked at us when she left." I said back to Alex, who looked suspiciously at me. He still didn't seem to buy it, but eventually shrugged it off.

We got back out of the Amity Square to find the other three waiting worriedly outside. "What happened!?" shouted Butterfree at our sight. "We waited here forever! We saw some people going in there. Did they get you?" I sighed and told them everything. Dragonite thought for a moment and said, "Hmm... Team Galactic... That's right! I heard they have a base in Snowpoint City! I was going to go there, but then you guys showed up..."

Team Galactic was in Snowpoint City, huh? "Let's go there, then!" I said to a couple of confused faces. "Not everything is about me, you know." Everyone shrugged. "If you say so." said Dragonite. "Alright, I'm pretty sure the shortest route there is through Mt. Coronet." he added. Everyone agreed and we were off.

First there was this short walk to Mt. Coronet to get you're hopes up, to make you think there was no danger. But there was. When you got to the Mountain, you instantly knew that it wasn't going to be an easy trip. When we did get there, I sure know that's how I felt.

"Mt. Coronet..." said Beedrill. "It can't be as bad as the Ice Cavern, right?" Oh, he was wrong. No one had any idea the dangers we would face in here. Ignoring any bad feelings about this, the five of us walked in.

It was then that we noticed it was pitch black. We couldn't see anything. It was kind of like when we went into the Forest Cave in the Ilex Forest, except this time there was no Electabuzz to help us. Not even Charmander's fiery tail helped. I mean, I could see his tail, but it didn't light up anything, as if the darkness was just engulfing the light. "Does anyone here know flash?" asked Dragonite, having second thoughts.

Later, we were still walking through the stupid cave. Everyone was sure that we had passed an entire night, and we were getting no where. "Butterfree, can't you learn Flash?" I asked the darkness. Butterfree ignored me. "Butterfree?"

Butterfree had somehow strayed away from the others. He didn't know where anyone or anything was anymore, and he didn't care. He just wanted to get out of this place.

But Butterfree saw something. A small flash of light that flickered somewhere in front of him. "Is anyone there?" he asked the cave. Butterfree walked a little bit more. Silence. "Right here!" said a little girl's voice right beside him. He spun around. "Woah! Uh, who are you?" he asked.

"I'm Chelsea." said the little girl, probably around the age of ten. Butterfree raised his eyebrows. "A name?" he asked. "Hmm... have you heard of Charlie?"

There was a short silence. "Charlie!?" shouted Chelsea, surprised. "Yes! I wanted to find him, but I got lost..." Butterfree sighed. "Me too... Somehow, I just slipped away from the others." He paused. "Charlie is a great friend of mine."

"Can you use Flash?" asked Butterfree hopefully. Chelsea sighed. "I've been trying to, but I can't seem to get it right." she said. There was another short pause, and a light flickered again. "That's about all I can manage." said Chelsea sadly. Butterfree sighed again. Then he thought of something. "Wait... Why do you want to see Charlie?" he asked.

But at that moment, something hit Butterfree hard in the face. He flew back and hit his head on a rock, knocking him unconsious.

I was getting very nervous. Where was Butterfree? Where was a way out? I heard a scream. "What was that?" I asked everyone. "I don't know. Let's follow it!" came Beedrill's voice.

We all ran in the direction of the scream. We still couldn't see anything, but it didn't matter. Someone obviously needed help. Suddenly, a small light flickered for a moment, and then lit up the entire cave. I saw a small Budew shivering in a corner in fear.

I ran over to the pokemon. "What's wrong?" I asked her softly. She looked up at me and gasped. "Are you...? Butterfree... Over there..." she said, pointing to a familiar pokemon lying on the ground. I turned to see Butterfree lying unconsious on the ground. I rushed over to him and sat down beside him. "Butterfree! Wake up!" I shouted.

My friend did not wake up, and he looked very hurt. "I can carry him." said Dragonite. I nodded and he picked up Butterfree. A tear caught my eye at the sight of him like this, but I blinked it away. "Are you lost?" Beedrill asked the Budew. She nodded. "You can come with us, then." I said softly.

The Budew was relieved. "Thank you." she said. She paused. "Is your name Charlie?" she asked suddenly. I frowned. "Yeah... Why?" I asked her. The Budew looked nervously at the ground. "Er... Paul wanted to see you. Look, can I just explain everything when we find him?" she asked. I nodded, but was quite unsure how she knew Paul. Something fishy was going on...

Hold on, Paul was in Sinnoh!? How had he found us? He should know that we would do fine. Laying that thought to rest, we trudged on through this dark cave, illuminated by the bud on the Budew's head. "My name is Chelsea, by the way." she said. I already knew that most pokemon didn't just have names. I wasn't quite sure why, but that was how it was. This Budew must have had a trainer before.

After a few more hours of looking, I heard a voice. "Chelsea! Chelsea! Cheeeeelseeeeaaaa!!" It shouted. I couldn't believe my ears. It was Paul. "Paul!!" shouted Chelsea and I at the same time. The two of us ran towards the sound, and soon we saw him. "Why are you in Sinnoh?" I asked him. "I found Charlie!" shouted Chelsea.

Paul looked surprised at me and Chelsea. "Then I guess you both know what you have in common." he said. I looked confused. "What? That we're both pokemon?" I said. Paul frowned at Chelsea. "You didn't tell him?" he asked her. Chelsea shook her head. "No. I said I would explain things when we found you." she said.

The others caught up to us, panting. "Gee, you guys are fast..." said Alex wearily. Paul chuckled. "Yeah, I know." he said. I translated for them. Alex looked at me funny. "How do you...? What's going on?" he said, now very confused. Paul once again gave a surprised look. "Well, I guess everyone is going to learn something today." he said.

Chelsea spoke up. "Charlie... Team Galactic... They had this machine or something..." she said shyly. I gave a confused look. "A machine? What did they..." Suddenly, the pieces of the puzzle put themselves together in my head. I gasped. "They turned you into a... Wow... You too...?" I said, confused. "What's going on!" shouted Alex, freaking out a little.

I sighed. "Chelsea and I..." I said. Chelsea finished the sentence. "We used to be human." she said. "I don't know how it's possible, but we were both transformed into pokemon." A tear formed in her eye. "Team Galactic... They tortured my pokemon... They killed them..." she said quietly.

A tear formed in my eye too. Something terrible had happened to me, but this was just... too sad. I sat down and looked at the ground, not wanting anyone to see me cry. I promised myself I wouldn't, but I just couldn't hold them off.

Alex looked like his dog had been run over by a truck. The sad struck him too. That was just terrible. Team Galactic was just plain evil. Really evil. I looked up again. "I... I didn't think that..." I said, but everything seemed broken. "Okay, that's it. We're going to Snowpoint City and beating Team Galactic!" Alex said finally. Paul smiled. "Sounds like a plan!" he said, determined.

Everyone agreed it was time to show them who's boss. But we still knew very little of this organization, and I was a little worried about Alex. They really seemed to want him for something. He didn't care, though, and we imediately started towards Snowpoint City... Well, I think. We were still lost.

Time to take some action.


Hello! I'll bet you'll never guess what time it is! Out of guesses? It's time for the afterword!

So Charlie met up with Chelsea and found a new goal. To take down Team Galactic. Charlie didn't really know sadness up until now. How could he possibly know what it was like to see his pokemon tortured and killed, and then possibly never be with his family again?

But anyways, hope you enjoyed! 'Till next time, good bye!

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Realm of Darkness [Book 2] (Series Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now