Chapter 6: The Safari Zone

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Chapter 6: The Safari Zone

There we were. Pastoria City. It had been a long walk, dodging trainers and avoiding pokemon. Everyone agreed that it was time to rest, so we made some grass beds, ate some berries, and went to sleep.

I had another dream about me and 'Jay'. "Oh, we're so close to finding it! Blaze can smell it!" I said, pointing at a Growlithe in front of me. Jay was also excited. "Yeah, I know! Apparently, it's aura is getting close!" She pointed to a Riolu, who had it's eyes closed and looked very relaxed.

Right then, I woke up. It was now early morning (about six o'clock) and Alex was awake. He seemed to be looking at something in the sky. "Hey." I said to him. He turned around. "What'cha looking at?" I asked.

"I'm waiting for the sun rise." Alex said back. "It's just... relaxing." I could relate to him on that, and I needed some relaxation. "Oh, okay." I said.

Alex turned back to where the sun was supposed to be. I walked over to him and sat down. We sat in silence for a couple minutes, waiting for the sun. It came then, and it shone brightly in the sky. Its rays illuminated the land of Sinnoh, acting as a wake up call to many of Sinnoh's residents.

And Alex was right. It was relaxing. However cautious I had felt before had now turned to realization. It made me realize that I was taking everything the wrong way. I realized that I was actually happy to be an Eevee, to be going on this adventure, to have made the friends I made. I had been acting gloomy the whole time, but I was happy now. Happy indeed.

But then something grabbed my tail and lifted me up from the ground. "Hey, let me go! Let me go!" I shouted. The hand tilted until I was looking into the eyes of a very happy male human. "Heheh. Perfect for the Safari Zone." He had an accent that made 'perfect' sound like 'poyfect'. I didn't like that accent.

"Put him down!" shouted Alex in vain. The person holding me, who, by the way, couldn't understand Alex, said, "Aww, da wittwe Chawmandah don't like me?" He kicked him and Alex fell to the ground. He got up full of rage.

"Oh yeah!?" he snarled, opening his mouth to use a move, but the guy kicked him again. Alex got up, bruised. The guy quickly picked him up by the tail. "I guess I'll take you too, then." he said nonchalantly.

The guy carried us over to a kart with a bunch of boxes as we struggled to get out. He threw us each in a different box and shut them tightly. The boxes were made of what looked like thick iron, so it was no use. We were trapped.

I waited inside my box for what seemed like forever, all the while thinking if the others were okay. They had slept through the whole thing and didn't know where we were. Suddenly, the kart came to an abrupt stop, and the lids were pulled off. The same guy picked us up and threw us onto the ground. "Have a gooood stay."

I looked around. Nature. Trees, bushes, grass. Nature. Those were my surroundings. Except for one thing. There was a large wall with a door on it. What had the guy said before? This was the... Safari Zone. That was it. Oh, that's bad.

Some girl was being let in. She had long, brown hair and brown eyes, along with a bag and a hat shaped like a kitten. She walked into the Safari Zone and looked around. I didn't notice Alex hiding behind a bush, (which burned down) or the hungry look in her eyes. She easily spotted me and squealed, "An Eevee!! I have to catch it!!"

 'An Eevee' ment me, I realized, and I started to run. "Wait up!!" said the girl, giving chase. I ran faster. "Go, Linoone!!" the girl shouted, throwing a pokeball. Out came the pokemon and she climbed on top of it. The pokemon started gaining on Alex and I, and I knew she would catch up.

'Wait, Linoone can only run in one direction!' I remembered. "Alex! Just run that way!" I shouted to my Charmander friend. He nodded, and we changed direction. "Linoone, go- Hey, they went that way!!" shouted the trainer.

It had worked, and Alex and I were safe... for now. "Whew... That was too close..." said Alex, panting. I nudged him. "She was only after me, you know." I said back to him. At this, Alex looked at me confused. "Wait... You can understand humans!?" he asked me in disbelief.

Oh, crap. Not good. I had gotten lucky with friends like Misdreavus who believed me, but I'm pretty sure Alex didn't have any 'power' to know the truth like she did. "I just... guessed." I lied. I could already feel Misdreavus' eyes rolling in my head.

Alex didn't believe this at all. "Oh, come on. You can tell your buddy, Alex!" he teased me. I sighed. "Listen, you're probably not going-" But something struck me in the back, like some kind of blade. A stinger of some sort.

I turned around to see the girl there with a Seviper at her side. She started to order a command. "Good, Seviper! Now, use-" But Alex shot a purple-blue flame at her, using Dragon Rage. The attack hit the Seviper and hurt it badly. "No!" squeaked the girl,  quickly withdrawing her Seviper. "Oh no! Bye!!" she shouted, confused.

"Wow, that girl is weird." said Alex. But I wasn't listening. Whatever that Seviper had done, the pain was still there. It must've been some poison type move, due to the fact that the pain was PULSATING THROUGHOUT MY WHOLE BODY.

Alex turned to me to see I was in very much pain. "What's the matter!?" he asked concernedly. I opened my mouth, but then shut it again as the pain coursed through my body. "It... poisoned... me..." I said in between bursted of pain. Alex's eyes widened. "Oh no. We have to get you something... Was it a... Pecha Berry! That's it!"

"Wait right here, I'm gonna see if I can find something." he said, and was on his way. I laid there, pain stiill coursing throug my veins. I felt like that pain would never go away.

I hoped I was wrong.


Afterword... Nothing to say, bye!

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