Chapter 9: Team Galactic

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Chapter 9: Team Galactic

I had another one of those dreams of me and Jay, who I still couldn't remember anything about. We were still in that same stupid cave, searching for the same stupid thing. "What!? A dead end!!" I shouted at a wall. "That must mean that it set us up!!" said Jay, annoyed. I sighed. "Then we'll have to check the other cave."

I slowly woke to the bright rays of the sun shining brightly into my eyes. I saw (or didn't see) that everyone but Butterfree was awake. "Hey, Charlie!" said Beedrill happily at the sight of me. I smiled. "Hi." I said.

"We're just waiting for sleepy head to here to wake up." said Beedrill with a chuckle. I laughed. "Yeah. I guess he sure knows how to sleep." I said back. I looked around at everyone for a second. I saw Dragonite playing with his wing farther away from everyone. I walked over to him.

"Hey," I said, "I'm sorry about your wing. It was all my fault. Sorry." Dragonite shook his head. "No, Charlie. I had to save you." He paused. "You know, you always seem so... different from the rest. I like that." he said.

Right. I still hadn't told him about anything. He was my friend, and he had saved my life, (Note that I'm not a great swimmer, especially when I'm forced to do the doggie paddle!) so I think he deserved to know.

"Listen, I..." and I told Dragonite the whole story. Becoming an Eevee, meeting Caterpie and Weedle, and every other part of my adventure so far. "...and that's why I'm so different." I finished off. Dragonite stared at me in awe. "I get it now..." he said. "You're going to Unova because... Charlie, if you get to Unova, what do you do?" he asked me.

"I'm not sure. I'lll just have to try and figure something out." I said back quietly. We sat there in silence for a few moments. Peaceful silence. "Hey, Butterfree's awake!" I heard Beedrill shout from the distance.

After a quick 'get ready' phase, we all headed back through Pastoria City, this time hoping to get out of it. Luckily, not many people were awake at this time, so we easily slid through. We were on the road to Hearthome City.

It was raining, like it always was on that path, and everyone was quite wet. There was mud and marsh everywhere. It took a good two hours to get through that.

It was midday when we arrived at Hearthome City. I looked around to see that it was bustling with people. "Wow, this is a big city." I said quietly to myself.

"Sure is!" said Butterfree, being the only one who heard me. He had these amazing ears that could hear pretty much anything. He hadn't really used them since Beedrill had told him about it, though.

"Look! There's the Amity Square!" shouted Beedrill, pointing at a large entry building. "Apparently, it's a very nice place to relax." I smiled. "I could go for some relaxing." I said.

 And it was settled. We all decided to spend the day in Amity Square to try and relax. Of course, with my adventure, there was no such thing as relax, but still.

The whole time, I was just thinking about my family. No amount of adventure could take my mind off of them. I still hadn't gotten over my dad dissapearing, and losing Pecha and my mom was just terrible. What would my mom say if she saw me? 'Oh, what a cute little Eevee!' I felt a tear at my eye, but I shook it away. No more crying. I had promised that.

"What's wrong, Charlie?" asked Alex, who was suddenly by my side. I quickly turned towards him. "I, uh... just... thinking about... things." I said, caught by surprise. "Thinking about what things?" Alex asked curiously.

I sighed. "Really, nothing. I'm not thinking about anything, okay?" I said, getting annoyed. Just then, I heard a scream. "What was that!?" I shouted. Alex nodded. "Let's go!"

We ran in the direction of the scream. It belonged to what sounded to be a teenage girl. Alex and I ran still towards the screams, and eventually found the girl. I couldn't believe who it was. It was the girl who had tried to catch me in the Safari Zone.

She was tied to a tree and surrounded by some goons dressed as astronauts. "Tell us where it is!" one of them shouted. The girl tried to break free, but miserably failed. "How should I know where it went!?" she shouted in agony.

The man pulled out a knife and put it to the girl's throat. "Listen, Anne. You better talk. Now." he whispered. I had seen enough. I jumped into the area where everyone was. "No, wait!!" shouted Alex, but it was too late.

One of the people grabbed me. "Well, well. Does that look familiar?" said the man holding the knife. Anne's eyes went wide. "Yes! That pokemon was with that Charmander!" she shouted. Oh, come on, Anne.

"Then the Charmander must be near here..." said the guy with the knife. He closed his eyes and stood in silence for a few moments, and then threw a pokeball. "Ghastly, use Mean Look!" he ordered the pokemon. The Ghastly used its attack on some bushes nearby, and Alex jumped out of it, scared.

The man laughed. "Ghastly, retrieve the Charmander!" he shouted, and his pokemon obeyed. "Lemme go!!" said Alex in vain. "Good," said the man, "the boss will be very happy. Cut her free."

Another goon cut the ropes binding Anne to the tree. "Keep the Eevee." said the man. "We might be able to use it for our plan." But Anne threw two pokeballs. "Seviper, use Wrap on the one holding the Eevee! Combusken, use Sand Attack on all the others!" she shouted, and her pokemon obeyed. As my goon's eyes were penetrated with Sand Attack, I easily escaped, and so did Alex. "Run!" shouted Anne.

The three of us ran away from the space people. It wouldn't be long before they recovered from those attacks. We found a small cave and quickly hid in it. Safe at last.

Anne breathed a sigh of relief. "That... was close..." she said, out of breath. "Yeah, too close." I said back, but then remembered that she couldn't understand poke language.

We waited for a couple hours just to make sure that the goons weren't still looking for us. Eventually, we all went out. Anne turned to me. "I'll catch you yet." she said, and then walked away. "Gee, can't she at least ackknowledge what we just went through?" I asked myself. "What do you mean?" asked Alex, who I had completely forgotten was right beside me.

Crap. Of course. Always with me giving away everything. Me and my big mouth...


It's the, *gasp* afterword! Woo woo!

So this organization, who is now revealed to be Team Galactic, tries to get Alex again. Why do they want him? What is their plan?

But anyways, more to come soon! See ya!

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