Chapter 4: Gyarados at the Lake

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Chapter 4: Gyarados at the Lake

It seemed like we'd have to travel around yet another region, as Canalave City was literally at the other side of Sinnoh. Alex led the way to to Pastoria City, chatting with the others and pointing out interesting things to see.

The pokemon in Sinnoh were very different from the pokemon in Johto. I saw Starly, Bidoof, Kricketot, and many other pokemon I had only read about. It was amazing to see them in real life, and they always were entertaining.

It made me think about what had happened in my adventure so far. I had made some new friends, I had travelled across an entire region, and I saved that region. Now that I thought about it, this was exactly what I had always dreamed of, pokemon or not. This was my adventure.

Alex stopped at a fork in the road. "Hmm... Which way was it again..." he mumbled to himself. I, however, recognized the entrance to a place I had always wanted to see. Lake Valor. I had heard about it's wonderful sights and pokemon to see there, and since had wanted to see it.

Apparently, there was some legend associated with it. I think it was something about a legendary? Whatever it was, I needed to see it.

"Hey, wait!" I said abruptly. Everyone turned to me. "We should go to that lake over there!" I said pointing to Lake Valor. Beedrill shrugged, but Caterpie just looked at me confused. "Why would you want to see that lake?" he asked me. "I've read about it, and it just sounds like a nice place to relax." I replied.

"Sure, why not." said Dragonite. "I could do my wing some rest." I smiled. "Awesome, let's go!"

So we had decided to explore the lake. Alex decided not to swim as, well, he would kind of die if the flame on his tail went out.

I wasn't much of a swimmer either. I mean, I could swim, but I wasn't very good at it. Besides, I'm terrible at the doggie paddle.

I joined Alex at the side of the lake. "Whatcha thinking about?" I asked him, noticing his dazed face. He shrugged. "Well, it's just those two people." he said back. "I can't get them out of my head."

I understood him. It was the same with me. "Me neither. I wonder what they wanted from you." I said, now deep in thought. "I don't know... They said that I was some kind of 'key'." Alex replied.

That confused me. "A key? Key to what?" I asked him back. Alex shrugged. "I don't know."

The others played in the lake for quite a while. It seemed they were having lots of fun. I, on the other hand, loved the scenery. Such a perfect lake. Such perfect trees. Such a perfect sun. It was perfect.

But something happened. Butterfree and Beedrill were now skipping stones at the edge of the lake. "Okay, me first." said Butterfree, tossing a small rock. It made three small hops and dunked itself into the water. "Ha! I can beat that!" said Beedrill, tossing his stone. It bounced one, two, three, four, five, six, seven times, and then hit something soft.

"What's that?" Butterfree asked, straining his eyes to get a better look. Then the soft thing moved, and emerged from the water. To our horror, what we saw was a gigantic Gyarados, towering over us like we were tiny ants.

"Who's throwing things at me!?" it shouted angrily, its face turning red. The Gyarados spotted us. "Oh, so you did this!?" he shouted, pointing his tail at a bump on his head.

Alex stepped up. "Um, sorry. Entirely my fault." he said to the Gyarados. Beedrill looked surprised at him for saying that. Alex would cover for someone even to an angry Gyarados!?

"So it was you!!" boomed the Gyarados in rage. It flung its tail at Alex. "Wait, help!" The Gyarados ignored him and tryied to dunk him in the water. Wait, that would kill him.

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