Chapter 22: Patch the Pachirisu

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Chapter 22: Patch the Pachirisu

"She... She WHAT!?" shouted Paul. I nodded, my eyes still full of tears. "Sh-she was... pulled into the... into the ground..." I said sadly. Butterfree put his head down. "She's gone now."

Paul stared at the spot where I told the others she had been dragged in. A single tear dropped as he closed his eyes. Paul had spent more time getting to know her and related with her better than everyone else in our group... except me.

She was the one of my friends I could relate to best. We both had the same problem, what with being humans turned Pokemon and all, and we could talk to each other. I just felt like I was losing a part of me.

"Um, guys?" said Patch. "Maybe we... shouldn't continue with this? I mean, I'm sure I could get myself home and all..." I shook my head. "No," I said, "we still have to get you home, Patch." Dragonite nodded. "Agreed." he said.

Just then, Chimchar, who had obviously not heard me before came over to us. "Hey guys, you seen Chelsea?" Weird, I'd completely forgot he was even here...

He wasn't going to like this.

"Uh, Ch-Chimchar?" said Butterfree nervously, knowing what was to come.

Chimchar frowned. "What is it?" Butterfree sighed. "Chelsea, she's-" I interupted. "Chelsea is gone."

Chimchar first said nothing, and just stared at us. Then his eyes widened. "Wh... What!?" he said. I told him about the shadow that dragged her into the floor.

"I... I don't..." Chimchar stammered. "No!" he said then. "I don't believe it! I can save her!!" Chimchar shouted. "How?" said Beedrill. "With a shovel?"

Chimchar's eyes flickered to Beedrill. "What, you think this is funny!?" he shouted. Beedrill waved his hands. "No, not at all. I'm just being honest." he said.

Chimchar looked down for a moment, as if deciding whether he should beat the stuffing out of Beedrill or not. I guess he decided Beedrill was right, because he slumped down in sadness.

"You're right... She really is gone..." he said sulkily. Dragonite walked over to confort him. "It's okay, Chimchar." he said.

"Uh..." said Patch's voice, "are you sure you want to continue traveling?" she asked.

We all looked at one another. "I guess that's Chimchar's choice." said Alex. Chimchar looked up. "Of course." he said. "It's not her fault. She's just an innocent little Pachirisu wanting to get home."

These words bugged Pachirisu. She didn't know if she could continue with this. But the reward... She could have her life back to the way it used to be... But was it really worth it? Especially for Dragonite? The decision was so difficult it wasn't letting her sleep...

Yet two hours later, they were walking to Jubalife City. Pachirisu was still deciding on what to do. She'd become so attached to these Pokemon (and person) that she wasn't sure whether to call herself Pachirisu or Patch anymore. Not all of them were needed, right? She could simply make the others go while Dragonite waited, right?

She had made her decision. She didn't care about the others, but Dragonite had cared for her, and she was not going to lose him.

Finally they were at Jubalife City. Pachirisu looked at all the flashing lights and signs. She remembered being here. She hated it. It was far too noisy, and everyone seemed to only care for themselves. Then again, so was she.

"It looks like we've hit the checkpoint." said the Charmander, who's name Pachirisu forgot. She didn't really like him, as he was always so bossy.

Dragonite smiled. "Then we're almost at Oreburgh City." he said. Dragonite was selfless, and didn't really care for himself. He only wanted the best for others, even the most rotten. Pachirsu shook her head.

"Alright there, Patch?" asked the Eevee, who's name she'd also forgotten. 'That's Dragonite's nickname, you moron...' she thought. "Oh, I'm fine. Just got... uh... water in my ears."

The Eevee frowned. "Uh, okay then." he said. "Well anyway, let's go." Pachirisu breathed a sigh of relief.

That night, as the others slept in the hotel room the human boy Paul had rented for the night, Pachirisu was wide awake.

I woke up early the next morning from the sleep I had had on the soft, red couch in the hotel room. I looked at the clock hanging on the wall to see it was six in the morning. A bit early, but not that much so.

No one else was awake. I guess they were just lazy. I decided to walk around for a bit, just to stretch out my legs, when I heard a mumble. I turned around, but saw nothing but sleeping Pokemon. I turned back and continued walking.

We'd be leaving later today, and I was excited to get Patch back to her home. Soon after, I would be getting back to my own, and Pokemon or not, I couldn't wait to be back.

But I had this nagging feeling at the back of my head telling me it was Patch's fault Chelsea was dead. I shook it off. I knew better than that, to just assume things like this.

But either way, my journey in Sinnoh was coming to an end.


Hello there!

Yeah, this wan't a very good chapter, but it's here. Did I mention this book is coming to a close? Ooh! Ahh! Anyway, that means so is the CCC. After the book is finished I'll choose a character from the ones I have submitted and put them in. So hurry!

Well, goodbye.

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