Chapter 2: New Inventions

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Chapter 2: New Inventions

Dr. Wallogurts woke up with a sore throat. Oh, great... he thought to himself, getting out of bed. Wallogurts had been watching that girl for a while and eventually found out that her Snivy could talk. His experiment hadn't gone wrong after all.

But how much did that Snivy know? It had only been fed part of the knowledge. Ah, but there was no time to waste. Wallogurts had some work to do for Team Plasma. Just then, the phone rang.

Dr. Wallogurts wondered if he should pick up the phone. Would it be another police member? He shrugged it off and answered anyways. "Hello?"

"Hello, Dr. Wallogurts." said an evil voice on the other side. Oh no... Dr. Burgenbell... thought Wallogurts. "Hello, Dr. Burgenbell." he groaned.

Burgenbell laughed maniacally. "I have invented something so amazing, you just have to see it in person!" he said. Dr. Wallogurts groaned again. Dr. Burgenbell was the scientist for Team Galactic in Sinnoh. He always surpassed Wallogurts in every invention he made. It infuriated Wallogurts just thinking about him, but eventually he gave a reply. "Fine. I'll come." he said with a sigh.

Dr. Burgenbell laughed again. "Good! I can't wait to see what invention of yours I've beaten this time!" he said snidely. "I expect to see you soon!" he said with another maniacal laugh, and hung up.

Dr. Wallogurts would prove to him this time that he was a good scientist. All he needed was another lousy pokemon to use the machine on and he will have beaten Dr. Burgenbell for the first time. Oh, it would be amazing.

So after performing the experiment on another Team Plasma Purrloin, Wallogurts took a boat to Unova. He hated boat rides, especially when there were a bunch of snotty brats on board. So many children. He'd have to bring some back to the lab to experiment on them.

When he fianally got to the Canalave City dock, he took a small jeep to Eterna City. The stupid HQ was all the way in Snowpoint Mountain! Morons...

Wallogurts took a snowmobile to Snowpoint City, which worked wonders on the icy paths. He searched for the hidden base he knew oh so well. Ah, there it was. Seemingly a normal house, but inside, it was a different story.

Dr. Wallogurts walked inside. No one tried to imprison him or hurt him, as he could do completely nothing to them. Dr. Burgenbell had assured them that.

He knocked on the door to his arch enemy's lab. It took a while, but he finally answered. "Ah, hello, Dr. Wallogurts! It only took you two days this time! Come on in!" Burgenbell said sinisterly. With a groan, Wallogurts followed.

The two scientists walked through the laboratory, Burgenbell making snide remarks about Wallogurts' inventions the whole time. Then they finally reached the end of the lab, which had a huge door containing supplies. "You first." said Burgenbell bluntly.

Wallogurts cleared his throat, which was still hurting from the other morning. "In this pokeball-" He held up a pokeball. "-is a pokemon that has been fed intelligence from a machine I created. It knows nearly everything we know." Burgenbell chuckled. "Then it must not know too much!"

Dr. Wallogurts ignored him. "Observe." he said, throwing the pokeball. Out came the Purrloin, which licked its paws. It noticed everyone staring at it. "What?" it said, and then looked surprised. "Hey, am I... What did you do to me?" asked the Purrloin.

Wallogurts smiled. "You see, the knowledge I have fed it has also allowed the ability to speak in the human language." he said, grinning evilly. Burgenbell merely laughed.

"Is that all?" Ha! Watch this!" he said mockingly. He snapped, and a Plasma Grunt came through the door beside them. The grunt brought with him a girl who was handcuffed and struggling to get away. "Using the power of Ditto," continued Dr. Burgenbell, "I have made this machine."

He pointed to a machine next to him. "Watch what it does." he said with a snap. The grunt rudely pushed the girl into the machine, which closed tightly with her inside. Dr. Burgenbell pressed some buttons and something started shocking the girl. She screamed and screamed, until the machine stopped zapping.

Dr. Wallogurts looked into the machine in astonishment. He couldn't believe what he saw. But one thing was for sure.

He had failed again, by far.


Guess what it is! It's... Pika- NO, IT'S DA AFTERWORD!!

So I did a kind of cliff hanger ending. I think. Anyways, what do you think Burgenbell's machine did to that little girl, and how do I think of such rediculous names for scientists?

I don't know, but next chapter with be about Charlie. And so will the next one, and the next one, and the- SHUT UP ALREADY. Gee, okay. Anyways, LONG wait before you find that out.

I hope you enjoy the story! Charlie does too! Yada yada!


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