Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Kayla's POV

"What would you do if you found out I had died?" I asked curiously.

Two weeks had passed since Liam and I's first date and we've been on three more since then. On the fourth he asked me to be his girlfriend and I obviously accepted. Right now I'm with Mattie just talking.

He thought about it before answering.

"Depends on how you died."

"I fell off a cliff."

"Then I would laugh. It's a funny way to die to be honest."

I glared at him.

"So you wouldn't feel the least bit upset that your best friend died?"

He gave me a side hug.

"Of course I will. But I would laugh first."

I rolled my eyes at his nonsensical reasoning. I heard the door open and the sound of the One Direction boys coming inside.

Since me and Liam had been dating, me and the boys have been on good terms. I don't really want to fight with my boyfriend's best friends.

Liam came and sat next to me, on the floor and the rest of the boys formed a circle with us, Mattie included.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Zayn randomly suggested.

We all agreed because we had nothing better to do.

"I'll start," Louis chirped, "Liam, truth or dare?"

"Umm, I'll choose dare."

Louis smirked evilly.

"I dare you to kiss Niall on the lips for one minute straight. The way you kiss Kayla."

My mouth dropped open.

"If you do I swear to the nandos gods that I will never kiss you again."

Liam looked like he was about to cry.

"What's the forfeit?"

The boys looked absolutely shocked. I was really confused.

"As hard as it is to believe, Liam has never forfeited a dare before." Harry explained, seeing my confused face. I nodded in understanding and turned back to face Louis.

"The forfeit is to lick my foot and kiss Kayla straight after. Do what you must."

Louis took his shoe off and the smell that went around the whole room was catastrophic. This would be the part of the movie where the flower wilts and the birds fall out of the sky, dead.

"Holy nandos! Louis what happened to your feet! It smells worse than shit! Did something die in there?"

I shuffled back as far as I could but the smell of Louis feet surrounded the whole room.

"Put your shoe back on! There is no longer clean air to breathe. Be a good guy and give Liam a double forfeit." Zayn asked politely.

Louis huffed in annoyance and bent over to put his shoe back on.

"Fine. The double dare is to dip your foot in the toilet. After I've finished using it. And you're not allowed to flush."

He grinned mischievously and ran to go and use the toilet.

"Sorry Li. I can't get you out of this one." I smiled ruefully.

Louis came running back from the toilet with the biggest smile on his face.

"Go on Liam. The toilet is now open for dipping."

Liam dragged himself up and slowly made his way to the toilet.

"Hey Louis, what exactly did you do in there?" Mattie asked carefully.

"I did a little poop. I looked a bit diarrheay so he'll have no trouble finding it."

Niall looked like he was about to puke.

"Louis mate, that's the nastiest thing I've ever heard! How bad did it smell?" Harry asked, repulsed.

"I don't know. I had to hold my breath just in case."

We all waited a little while for Liam to come back, but he was taking ages.

"Guys let's go check up on Liam, he's taking ages."

We all stood up, with me in the lead, to go to the toilet. When I got there, what I saw made me die of laughter.

Liam had fainted and was on the floor just lying there with his face as white as a ghost. He wasn't even anywhere near the toilet.

"Liam is such a wuss! He's not even anywhere near the toilet!" Harry shrieked with laughter falling onto the floor.

I pulled Liam out of the toilet and put him in his room on his bed.

God bless his soul.

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