Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five

Kayla's POV

"Kayla please, do it for me."

I looked away from Lucas' puppy dog face. We were now officially boyfriend and girlfriend. We have been dating for about a month now and Lucas is already asking me to do something big for him. But then again, it would help others.

"Fine," I gave in, "but only because you asked so nicely."

I grinned and gave me a big hug. I got out my phone and logged onto twitter.

@KaylaKatastrophie: I am absolutely loving @onedirection 's new album Midnight Memories. How about you guys?

I immediately started getting replies saying how everyone loved it as well. Mission accomplished.


I was peacefully sleeping in my bed curled up next to Lucas when I heard banging on my front door. I opened one eye to see that Lucas hadn't woken up. I doubt he would anyway because he was a heavy sleeper.

The person knocking on the door didn't give up. They were really persistent. I hauled myself up out of bed and walked to the front door. I opened it and was immediately attacked into a hug with five people.

"Thank you so much Kayla. You have no idea what you've done for us." I heard someone mutter in my ear. It sounded like Zayn to me.

I nodded.

"But it isn't me who you should be thanking. Sure I sent the tweet, but it was Lucas who thought of the idea. He literally begged me."

Instead of letting me go, like I thought they were going to do, they hugged me tighter.

"But it was you Kayla. Not only have we got our fans back, we've also go our sister back and that means the world to us." I heard Harry murmur.

I heard a sob coming from behind us. I turned around to see Lucas there with tears pouring down his face.

"That was so beautiful. So, so beautiful. I would love to have a family like yours."

I heard someone sigh and Niall stepped forwards.

"I guess since you're dating Kayla, you are part of the family."

Lucas squealed with joy and literally jumped on Niall. Wonderful.


2 years later

"Where is the little asshole?" I asked, holding Louis up to the wall by his shirt collar.

He looked at me in fright.

"On the balcony." He squeaked.

I dropped Louis and ran up the stairs. I pushed open the door to mine and Lucas' room and went to the balcony to find it locked. I was not going to give up.

I left my room and went up to the guest room upstairs where I saw Harry sleeping. I walked straight past him and opened the balcony door. I looked over the edge to see my balcony. I swung my legs over the edge, turned around and let go. I quickly caught onto the edge of my balcony and pulled myself up before I could fall. I swung my legs over so I was safely on the ground.

"Lucas! Where are you?" I called out.

I was about to turn around when something huge and heavy jumped out on me and kissed me. I pushed them off, slapped them and stood on their chest.

"Lucas," I snapped, "have you noticed something different about me?"

He chuckled nervously.

"You have green hair?"

"And why do I have green hair instead of blue?"

"Because I put green dye into your shampoo bottle?"

I nodded.


"You've had blue for years! I wanted to change it up a little bit." He pouted.

I sighed giving up. I could never stay mad at him for long. I got off of his chest and pulled up from the floor. He pulled me close to his chest.

"So, what do you have to say for yourself?" I whispered to him.

"Marry me."

My eyes widened in shock.


"Marry me." He said simply again.

I bit my lip and looked at Lucas in the eyes and I slowly nodded, my face breaking out into a grin.

"I love you Lucas."

"I love you Kayla."

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