Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

Kayla's POV

I slapped my hands around my bed trying to get rid of the annoying ringing noise.

"Die bitch, die." I mumbled trying to slam it off.

The noise stopped and I snuggled in my bed trying to go back to sleep when the phone rang again.

"Jesus Christ," I picked up my phone and held it up to my ear, "if you don't have a good reason for calling me you better prepare to die."

I heard a manly chuckle down the other end of the phone. Noted. Now all the females I know aren't on their way to my death list.

"Kayla it's me, Simon. I forgot to tell you yesterday so you have enough time to pack, but you're going on tour with the lyrical god Ed Sheeran!"

That got me awake. My eyes as wide as saucers. Ed Sheeran is not just a lyrical god, he is a sex god. I love him so much.

"I love you right now Simon, but you're still on my death list for waking me up so early." I warned.

He chuckled once again.

"Just go pack Kayla. Your flight to Australia is at 7am today at Heathrow Airport."

I nodded and saluted like a soldier even though he couldn't see me. I ended the call and jumped straight out of bed.

Time to get ready to meet the ginger god.


At The Airport

"Bye guys! I'll see you when I come back. I'll miss you boys." I hugged all of the boys and gave Liam a hard kiss on the lips.

I took a step back and walked away without looking back once.

In Australia

Thank God I'm here. I hate flying. I'm not scared or anything, but it takes forever going from one country to another.

After I got all of my luggage, I looked around and saw an old guy holding up a board with my name on it. He was dressed in a black suit with sunglasses even though we were inside. He looked a bit like Agent Kay from MIB. In my opinion he looked a bit shifty.

I cautiously made my way over to him. I couldn't tell if he was looking at me or not because of the sunglasses, so I went up to him and poked his nose. He lifted up his glasses and glared down at me.

"Miss Horan?" He grunted.

Wow. Someone was in need of a breath mint, maybe even two. Forget that, I just entered the death zone.


He smirked and got this evil glint in his eyes.

"I'm driving you to your hotel."

No way in hell am I going anywhere with this man. I would rather kill the maker of nandos. wait! The maker of all the succulent chicken? No Kayla, get your head in the game. I value my life. Yes, I would rather kill the maker of nandos.

"No need. I've already called a taxi."

I quickly sprinted to the exit before he could say anything. When I exited the airport doors I took my phone out and went to the first cab I saw. I put my luggage in the back of the cab and went to sit down.

"Where to ma'am?"

The driver looked a few years older than me. He was actually quite handsome. He had grey stormy eyes and jet black hair cropped just above his eyebrows. He was wearing a t-shirt that said "I'm Gay, And What?"

"Um, can I go to The Mundilana Hotel please? And call me Kayla."

He nodded and was about to go when the Agent Kay lookalike came and started banging on the window.

"Drive!" I screamed and the driver stepped on the gas.

I was breathing really heavily. What a freaky ass man. I saw the driver looking at me through the rear view mirror. I smiled weakly.

"Hey, how's it going?" I limply waved my hand.

"Would you like to explain what just happened and why you look extremely familiar?"

I sighed.

"Fine. Basically, I came out of the airport like a normal human person and saw this creepy Agent Kay lookalike holding up a board with my name on it. I casually walked up to him and poked his nose and he ripped his glasses from my eyes and tried to eat me! I ran away and jumped into this taxi. Then what you saw happened."

He nodded.

"So he was a creeper. Cool. Why do you look so familiar though?"

"Oh right. I'm famous." I shrugged.

His eyes widened a little bit. Then he just burst out laughing.

"Yeah right, and I'm from Gallifrey."

My eyes widened.

"You watch Doctor Who? Did you know that its the 50th anniversary today? Matt Smith is my husband. I am so exited. And by the way I am famous. Why would I lie? The name's Kayla Horan."

"Wait! Everything's going too fast and I'm confused. First off, prove that you're Kayla."

I cleared my throat and began to sing.

"There ain't no need to cry no more

When you break my heart into twenty four

I'll pick up the pieces you left

If you think I'm coming back, well, don't hold your breath

I ain't your girlfriend, 'cause I'm breakin' up with ya

Shoulda' laid down with your brother

Go now, here's my middle finger

Are you crazy?

Are you crazy?

Are you crazy?

Are you crazy?

Must be stupid if you think that we can start again

Come on now!

Are you crazy?

Are you crazy?

Are you crazy?

Are you crazy?

Must be stupid if you think that we can start again

Are you joking, must be joking

You ain't laughin', I ain't smokin'

Must be crazy if you think that we can start again"

When I finished I looked up at the driver and saw that he was staring back at me with wide eyes.

"Watch the road Mister Driver." I ordered.

"Oh right. Sorry. By the way, my name is Jace. And I'm gay."

I nodded, amused.

"I know. I read your shirt."

He nodded. He looked a little bit nervous and pale.

"No need to be nervous Jace. I'm just a normal person.

He took a deep breath and nodded, colour coming back into his face.

"Hey Jace. Did you know that today is 1D Day? My boyfriend, brother and best friends are in it. Obviously. And it's the 50th anniversary for Doctor Who."

He nodded, a big smile forming on his face.

"I am so exited for them both. It's going to be amazing. Oh, here we are Kayla. The Mundilana Hotel."

I looked around and saw that we were outside the hotel.

"Oh, thanks for the ride."

I paid for the ride and went outside to get my luggage. When I got it out from the back of the car Jace drove away. I walked up to the entrance of the hotel. I can't wait till I meet the ginger god.

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