Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

Kayla's POV

"Hey Justin, can I talk to you?" I asked with a sweet smile on my face.

"Whatever. But you still need to keep the peas on my back."

I nodded even though he couldn't see me. I pulled him up and pushed him up the stairs and into the bathroom on the second floor.

"What are the popstars AKA One Direction and Mattie doing here?" I hissed out.

"They're my friends and I assumed yours too because you said Julian was your best friend in an interview and Niall is your brother so I just assumed." He shrugged his shoulders but then hissed out in pain from the fast action.

"Well next time before you fuck up and 'assume' things, ask me." I fumed.

I pushed him out of the toilet and down the stairs into the living room where I saw everyone standing around awkwardly. I dragged Justin back to the couch and laid him back down on my lap and put the peas on his back.

"Welcome to Justin's home. Stop standing around like weirdos and find somewhere to sit." I spoke in a monotone voice.

The all shuffled around and found somewhere to sit. Some sat on the floor and some on the couches.

"So what were you guys doing before we came?" Selena asked suspiciously.

I raised one eyebrow at her.

"Stuff." I said simply.

She didn't seem satisfied with my answer but I wasn't giving her any more information so she slumped back into her seat.

"So guys, do you want to play truth or dare?" Justin suggested from where he was lying down.

I didn't really care what we did. Everyone else nodded in agreement. We all moved the chairs out of the way and we sat in a circle on the floor.

"Let me start," Justin said, "Demi, truth or dare?"

I looked over at her and saw her thinking really deeply.


"I dare you to eat Kayla's special sandwich. All of it. And if you finish tell no one what it was like." He smirked evilly.

He was the only one apart from me who had ever tasted it. He said it tasted like shit in a sandwich. I obviously love it.

"What happens if I don't do it?" She asked looking quite frightened at our smirking faces.

"You give me your phone. Unlocked."

She nodded.

I got up and went to make it. Making it takes time and precision. You can add your own little special things to make it your own but whatever. I get two slices of white bread, jam, butter, tuna and sweetcorn, egg mayo, heinz beans, ketchup and peanuts. Not peanut butter. That won't work for me.

I put one slice of bread down and on that I put butter, jam, tuna and sweetcorn and egg mayo. On the other slice I put butter, heinz beans, peanuts and ketchup. I then put the side with the jam on top of the one with beans. I went into the fridge to get the one ingredient I forgot. Burger sauce. I squirted it over the top of the sandwich and voila. It is finished.

I got changed into the outfit that I was going to present it in.


Demi's POV

We all waited patiently for Kayla to finish making her special sandwich. Ten minutes later we heard Kayla come to the door. She was wearing a maids outfit with blood all over the apron. A bloodied knife was held in her hands and her hair was matted in blood and was hanging in front of her face. She had a sadistic smile on her face.

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