Chapter One

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Chapter One

Kayla's POV

The Three Musketeers.

Kayla, Niall and Jake.

We were inseparable. Once upon a time. I used to think that we'd be best friends forever. Nothing could come between us. But it seems as if everyone changes, and I can't do anything about it.
"Kayla, no one likes you. I mean, are you even surprised? Especially when compared to me, you're absolutely pathetic."

It stung, it honestly did. Coming from your twin brother who's supposed to protect you. Care for you. Love you.

"Jake still likes me," I weakly protested.

Niall rolled his eyes at me, "yeah let's see how long that'll last."

It was like as soon as we reached secondary school, Niall changed. He talked to me less and less everyday until we weren't speaking. I never understood it, I thought he was just going through some stupid phase but it still didn't make sense. He still spoke to Jake, so why not me?

I used to think that it was because of me. That I wasn't good enough for him. So I tried to change myself, I tried to be the sister he would be proud of. And that's when the bullying started. They'd call me pathetic, ugly, worthless. So I stopped trying.

Jake never helped me either, but I understood. If he tried to help they'd probably turn on him too, so I shouldered the burden myself.

I'd always thought about telling people. My dad, teachers, the principal. But I know that that'd only make the situation worse, teachers can only do so much and I wouldn't want to be labelled as a snake.

I think the thing that bothered me the most is that I genuinely let their words get to me. As each day goes by, I start to think that maybe the problem isn't them, it's me. It can't be possible that so many people hate me for absolutely no reason. I must be a pathetic, ugly loser. And it's that fact that hurts me the most.

Despite Jake not standing up for me, he is literally the only reason I can talk the bullying. He's like a breath of fresh air. Like a light in the darkness of my life. I like him. Really, really like him. I think he knows, but he clearly doesn't like me back. I think I can accept that though, it's better to have him as a friend than to not have him at all.

Having only one friend is hard, especially when he's friends with Niall as well, but despite all the bad things about me, I think my resilience made me somewhat strong. I'm proud that I haven't allowed them to completely break me, because without this strength I have nothing left.

Hey guys this is a really short chapter but I hope you like it. Please tell me if there are any changes you want me to make and I'll make them!

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