Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

A Week Later

Kayla's POV

"Kayla calm down, he is just another normal person." Simon tried to calm me down.

I turned my head to glare at him.

"He is not just a normal person, he is Justin Bieber. World phenomenon and holds the key to my enchanted soul of music."

Simon looked at me like I was crazy.

"In English please."

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Justin Bieber is an artist. If we ever work together I'm sure I would find out different ways for me to make music and become a better artist instead of using all this bottled up hatred and fear to fuel me. All of my music is basically the same and I want to change things up a bit, instead of using all of the fear and hate I could find a calm happy place inside of me that will make me write music that could appeal to everyone and not be depressing lyrics with an upbeat tune. Justin has music that can do everything that I can do and more. His music is really diverse giving the public a wide variety of music that they could listen to. I honestly think Justin is the only artist that could help me do that."

I looked at Simon and saw that he was looking at me on awe and he also looked like he saw me in a new light. With a bit more respect than usual.

"That was an amazing speech Kayla but to be honest I don't think that Justin can do that for you. I think the he is an overrated reckless teen that's looking for attention. He's only this big in the industry because of the fact that the ladies find him attractive. So if you want to collaborate with him you have to do it in your own time and ask him yourself. The only reason I wanted you to do this was for the publicity." Simon shrugged.

That got me so angry.

"Don't go saying bad things about people you don't know. You don't know what's going on in his life. I don't mean to disrespect you Simon, but what you just said was a load of shit. Sure, he hasn't made the best decisions in life but then again who has. You can't go saying a load of crap about other people before evaluating your own life. Sorry Mr. Simon Cowell but you need to shut the fuck up about other people's businesses because your life isn't as great as it seems. Your just a grumpy old man who takes his anger out on scared people on the X Factor."

I stood up and started to make my way out to the balcony on the floor I was on, but before I got there I turned around.

"And don't even think threatening me saying that I will loose my job. Let's be honest Simon, I'm the best that you have."

I smiled sweetly then I continued to make my was out of the second floor reception area to the balcony.


Justin's POV

"That was an amazing speech Kayla but to be honest I don't think that Justin can do that for you. I think the he is an overrated reckless teen that's looking for attention. He's only this big in the industry because of the fact that the ladies find him attractive. So if you want to collaborate with him you have to do it in your own time and ask him yourself. The only reason I wanted you to do this was for the publicity."

I was walking in the reception area to meet Kayla Horan and Simon Cowell when I heard Simon making rude comments about me. I thought Simon was a nice person with valid opinions and took peoples whole situations into consideration. I was about to stand up for myself and make my presence known when I saw Kayla turn around in her seat and look at Simon with the most evil glare I had ever seen.

"Don't go saying bad things about people you don't know. You don't know what's going on in his life. I don't mean to disrespect you Simon, but what you just said was a load of shit. Sure, he hasn't made the best decisions in life but then again who has. You can't go saying a load of crap about other people before evaluating your own life. Sorry Mr. Simon Cowell but you need to shut the fuck up about other peoples businesses because your life isn't as great as it seems. Your just a grumpy old man who takes his anger out on scared people on the X Factor."

Kayla got up and was making her way somewhere. I was about to follow her when she turned around again. I quickly jumped back into my hiding place.

"And don't even think threatening me saying that I will loose my job. Let's be honest Simon, I'm the best that you have."

I quietly chuckled. She definitely showed him who's boss. I got out from my hiding place and walked over to Simon where I saw him with a shocked look on his face. I stood in front of him and gave him a cheeky grin, then I saluted.

I walked past him and followed Kayla out to the balcony.


Kayla's POV

I heard the balcony door open behind me. I didn't turn around and continued to lean on the railings.

"Hey." I heard a male voice behind me.

Still not turning around I replied.


"Um, thanks for sticking up for me against Simon. I know he's your boss and everything. I really appreciate it."

I nodded in acknowledgment. I turned around and leaned back on the railings with my arms folded across my chest.

"I think it's funny how before I was hyperventilating over meeting you, but when I actually do I feel as calm as ever."

He chuckled slightly.

"I like you Kayla. I think we could be great friends."

I smiled brightly.

"So do I."

I suddenly remembered something important.

"So what song am here to feature in?"

"You are going to be the girl in my new video As Long As You Love Me. The song has come out but there's no video yet."

My eyes widened.

"I've heard the song and I absolutely love it. It's amazing."

He chuckled.

"C'mon Kayla. We have work to do."

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