Chapter Thirty-Two

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Chapter Thirty-Two

Lucas' POV

"If you guys weren't so bloody famous he wouldn't have fainted." I heard while waking up.

"And that's our fault? We can't help it if we're famous and we're so god damn hot." I heard someone snootily reply.

I groaned in annoyance. My head was pounding and I needed aspirin.

"Can you guys just shut up and give me aspirin." I groaned out.

"Oh shit. Sorry, here you go."

I opened my eyes to see Kayla pushing the aspirin and a glass of water into my face. I took it out of her hand, swallowed the aspirin and the water all in one go.

I got up from where I was laying on the floor and looked around the room. I saw Kayla standing in the middle of the room and 5 people hiding in a corner but I couldn't really see their faces.

"What's going on Kayla. Why was I on the floor? Did you jump me?"

She rolled her eyes at me.

"You have no faith in me Lucas. You fainted because you saw those five popstars over there."

The five people hiding in a corner stepped out to reveal One Direction. Oh my god. The One Direction. I didn't know Kayla was being serious when she said she knew them.

"Hold on sparky, don't faint again." I heard Kayla say.

I turned to look at her.

"Why did you call me sparky? How in any way does that relate to me?"

"I dunno. Just needed something to say." She shrugged.

I rolled my eyes at her and looked back at One Direction who were whispering among themselves.

"Hey guys, I'm Lucas. Big fan."

I smiled really widely and held out my hand for them to shake. They all shook my hand one by one and gave me a smile. Beautiful.

"Hey Lucas, are you gay? I mean I won't judge because my best friend is gay. I'm only asking because you look like you want to rape all of the guys. All at the same time."

"Number one, that's not possible. I only have one penis. Number two, no I am not gay thank you very much! I am a hundred percent sure that I am straight." I glared at her.

She stepped back and put her hands in the air like she was surrendering.

"Just a question casanova, just a question."

I groaned in annoyance.

"Again with the weird ass names. Just call me Luke."

She nodded but didn't say anything.


Harry's POV

Watching the two of the fight was like watching an old married couple bicker. I could tell that Kayla like Luke. She looks at him the same way she looked at Liam. All I need to find out now is if Luke likes Kayla and if he's good enough for her. Everybody knows that she's had enough stress to last her a lifetime, she doesn't need anymore.

"Harry, come on. Let's go. We're all going to nandos even though Kayla and Luke just got back from there." Louis poked his head back through the door.

I nodded and followed Liam through the door trying to figure out a way to get Lucas by himself.


Kayla's POV

Over the 4 hours that I've known Luke, I've come to the conclusion that I like him. He's different from other guys. For starters, he likes One Direction. But he gets me. That's never happened before. I feel like I'm on cloud nine when I'm with him. It's like nothing matters and everything in the world is okay.

I now understand what all those soppy romance books mean when they say that they get sparks when they touch and butterflies in their stomach. No I don't love him, it's way too soon for that. But I definitely like him. I just need to get to know him better.


Luke's POV

I like Kayla. She's different, she gets me. Her being highly attractive is just a bonus. I really want to get to know her better so I can ask her out but I'm such an awkward person, it's never going to work because she's so confident. It's like she's not afraid of anything, but I know behind those barriers that she's afraid. Afraid to trust. But I'm going to break her barriers enough so that she let's me in. No I don't love her, it's way too soon for that. But I definitely like her.

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