Chapter 5

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"There you are!" Mrs. Yoon exclaimed and hugged Seungcheol tight.

"Are you busy or something?" She asked when they pulled away.

"Kind of, sorry."

"Its okay sweetie, you can go to Jeonghan's room while Im preparing dinner. I'll call you when the food is ready."

"Yes mom. Thank you!" Seungcheol went to Jeonghan's room. He jumped on Jeonghan's bed.

"I miss sleeping here." Seungcheol said but got no response from Jeonghan. He stood up and went to Jeonghan, he's doing his assignment and his listening to music. Seungcheol took the earphones and stop the music.

"Urgh! Give me that!" Jeonghan yelled.

"No, stop doing your assignment let's play video games." Seungcheol said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Im not in the mood, can you now give me my phone back. You're not supposed to be here. I thought you're with Seokmin and others? Why are you even here? I didn't told you to come." Jeonghan said not thinking twice of what word or tone he would say.

Seungcheol was taken aback when he heard Jeonghan said those word.

"I get it." Seungcheol said. "Im sorry." Seungcheol said and put the phone on Jeonghan's study table before he went out of the room.

"Mom, bye." Seungcheol said kissing her cheeks.

"I thought you're gonna sleep over?"

"I changed my mind, Jeonghan is not feeling well. Bye! Maybe next time." Seungcheol smiled and went out of the house. He went to his car and drive at the nearest bar since he don't want to go home yet.


Jeonghan sighed when Seungcheol went out of his room. He made a mistake, he hurt Seungcheol. He hurt his bestfriend. When he heard Seungcheol's car drive away a tears rolled on his cheeks and at the same time the door of his room open.

"Hey, Seungcheol said you're not feeling well? Do you want medecine?" Jeonghan only shook his head and wiped his tears.

"Why are you crying?"

"Nothing. I'll take a rest now. Don't call me for dinner Im not in the mood." Jeonghan said and walked to his bed and lay down.

"Okay, honey. Im in the living room if you need anything." That's the last words he heard from his mom. He didn't mean to  say those words. Now he fucked up.


"Hannie~ your phone is ringing." Jeonghan open his eyes and saw his mom. Jeonghan took his phone and answer it, his mom already went back to his room.


{Is this Jeonghan?}

"Yes. Why?"

{Your friend Seungcheol are here, good thing his phone unlocked. His already asleep. Can you pick him up?}

"Sure. Text me the address." Jeonghan said and hanged up. He changed his clothes and went out of the house. He ride a cab and after a minute he arrived at the bar. He walked inside and find Seungcheol.

He found Seungcheol on the bar counter. He walk towards him and shake him lightly.

"Is he paid?"

"Yeah." The bartender said.

"Can you assist me on his car?"

"Sure." Jeonghan took the car key on Seungcheol's pocket before they helped Seungcheol to walked.

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